BASFA Meeting 1362
September 5, 2016

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at the Black Bear Diner

Began 8 pm
25 people attended

we established a party jar

The minutes of meeting 1361 were accepted as a Black Bear Diner on every

The Treasurer got in late - & last week we took in $14.70 in the regular
jar & $23.40 in the party jar

The Vice President had nothing fannish to report - but he now owns a TESLA!

The President greeted Cindy - dragged here by Jo, visiting us for the first

Ken announced that KFJC was awesome today, so check their archives for Sir
Cumference today & that he & Geri will be part of the Oakland Pride Parade
this.Sunday & the Palo Alto Players will be producing the 'Little Mermaid'

[evil] Kevin announced that Pizza and wine gave inspiration for them to get
thru  piles of pre-supports and registrations

JC announced that the city of Milpitas  named his company, Blue Mirage
Studios, one of the 'best of' businesses for 2016

Adrienne announced that people died and restated messages from the BASFA
list about the Oct 12 Seth Shostak in Palo Alto

Lisa announced that the Retrodome is doing 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' & Sept
17 is a Convolution staff meeting, 1pm at the Hyatt Regency SF

Chris O announced that Oct 1-16 Stage One Theatre in Newark is doing the
'Addams Family'


[evil] Kevin reviewed an old flick, 'Moon Zero 2' as having a high cheese
factor, but decent science & he was lied to = it was NOT a terrible movie;
he recommends it as worth buying on Amazon & loaning out

Adrienne reviewed the Highland Games as enjoyable

John O reviewed the mini-Maker's Faire in SJ as not too crowded, so he
didn't feel rushed & recommended it as quick to do and worth full price

Barbara reviewed the 3 'Sharktopus' movies as 'dear gods, why?'

Ken reviewed paying buckets of cash for his new Tesla & touring the factory
& very impressed by it all

Lisa reviewed 33 days on the road visiting multiple conventions as busy &
enjoyable & glad to be back

Dave C reviewed 'Anthropoid' as he really enjoyed it & it is a grim, good

Jo reviewed 'Suicide Squad' as he really enjoyed it & thought it good &
reviewed WorldCon as he enjoyed the con but did not enjoy the lack of plugs
in the Marriott & thinks the new Exploratorium on Pier 39 is a very nice

[tall] Kevin reviewed today as the roads are holiday full & reviewed
WorldCon as mostly good & reviewed the road trip as they got to see
railroads he'd never seen before & recommends going to Denver just to see
the railroads

we did auctions

we adjourned at 9:22 pm

and the rumor of the week was: 'These are Trey's days of future pasta'

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