On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 6:22 PM, Noufal Ibrahim <nou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sriram Narayanan <sriram...@gmail.com> writes:
> [...]
>> I feel that poking fun at any company's business is in extremely
>> disgusting taste. This was done once about Thoughtworks (the company I
>> work with) on this very mailing list.
> Agreed but that is a separate issue.

I see Yahoo being made fun of, and I don't see that being addressed.

As long as we encourage or worse, remain silent about corporates being
made fun of, we're going to remain a community of hypocrites.

Worse, we risk the brand image of Python itself (Note that this
mailing list is hosted at python.org), claims to represent Python, and
that this community is part of the overall Python community in India
and across the globe.

> However, that doesn't address the issue of a recruitment person from a
> company using the list merely as a hiring resource for a non python job.

We have to then solve a problem to having a common understanding of
what's fine and what's not.

It appears to me that Anand Pillai was fine with such a post, and
you're not, and there's some clarity needed on what's acceptable and
what's not, and the rationale for what ever consensus we arrive at.

> --
> ~noufal

-- Sriram
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