On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 5:00 PM, Sudheer Satyanarayana <
sudhee...@sudheer.net> wrote:

>  To put the matter straight, Lokesh works in TA at Y! and
>> he had asked my help to post an opening in the list. I mentioned
>> that this is a Python list, but scripting languages like Perl, Python
>> etc do have a lot of similarities  (Ask me, I am a Python coder at
>> heart but right now my bread is coming through Perl here).  A lot
>> of the skills at a high level are quite similar whether finally you
>> end up coding in Python, Perl or PHP.
> Try posting a Python job ad to a Perl, Ruby or PHP list.

Cut the heat. IMHO it was a problem with the wording of the posting
by the OP. If he had been more diplomatic and sugar-coated his
posting, most of you would have remained silent.

See this post on the bangalore-rug list. It mentions ruby only once
and among many other skills.


Nobody cribbed.

> On the other hand, try abstracting the concept. Someone who is good in one
> scripting language might be good in another. Someone good in one programming
> language might be good in another. By that argument, if you are looking for
> a Java programmer you can post your job ad in a C language list. If you
> extend the argument, you can post the ad in an technology related list for
> that matter.
Actually you can if  you word it carefully like the link I mentioned.

> I agree with Noufal here. This is pure spam. There are enough job portals
> available for free. The OP should be directed to such websites. I don't want
> to see PHP, Ruby, Perl, C or other programming language related job ads here
> unless it is directly related to Python.

Yes, he was not smart enough to say "Python" as one of the skills in his
That is what you are cribbing about ?

Advocacy is good, it shouldn't turn into zealotry.

> --
> With warm regards,
> Sudheer. S
> Personal home page - http://www.sudheer.net/about
> Tech Chorus - http://www.techchorus.net
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