On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 2:34 PM, Baishampayan Ghose <b.gh...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 2:14 PM, Senthil Kumaran <sent...@uthcode.com>
> wrote:
> > I agree that the email was misdirected and I had no issues with your
> > first question how it it was related with Python. Would have waited
> > for the OP to answer.
> > But that does not mean that we talk about business and ridicule a
> > company.  That IMO does not make a healthy environment.
> In general, the posters of such emails will _never_ answer because
> they are not reading the list anyway.
> Even yesterday, someone sent a similar spam to the IPSS list. I sent a
> long email explaining why it's a malpractice and received an apology
> from the CEO. I am not sure if anyone from Y! will respond though...
OK. Someone from Y! is responding now...

To put the matter straight, Lokesh works in TA at Y! and
he had asked my help to post an opening in the list. I mentioned
that this is a Python list, but scripting languages like Perl, Python
etc do have a lot of similarities  (Ask me, I am a Python coder at
heart but right now my bread is coming through Perl here).  A lot
of the skills at a high level are quite similar whether finally you
end up coding in Python, Perl or PHP.

My thinking in this was similar to Senthil's, I didn't expect this to
be an emotional issue here.


> Regards,
> BG
> --Anand
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