Hey, great argument, but I have some riders. Atleast, finally, I think we
are on the same page.

First of all, let us get one thing out of the way. Success in
software/hardware,  no matter where you are, entirely depends on on how
passionate you are about it. We can't quantify a person's passion for some
thing. Apple's success, is Steve Job's passion for whatever he was creating.

Having got that out of the way, let us try to answer some of your questions.

On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Sirtaj Singh Kang <sir...@sirtaj.net>wrote:
> 1. A person in India will fail at trying to create a business around open
> source, but is more likely to succeed at precisely the same endeavour, if
> they move to the Valley. It is the environment that counts, not the person.

Right! The environment counts a lot. Not the person. If you are based in
India, you are already starting to bat with 3 wickets down viz a viz San
Francisco, (If I can humbly give a cricket anology).

> 2. People outside the Valley are incapable of creating/running that kind of
> business, because they don't know how to do it right. Moving to the Valley
> might increase their chances, since they will have better access to people
> who can teach or inspire them.

Wrong and Right!. People outside the valley are definitely capable of
creating/running business, but they have a great disadvantage. Their
competitors based in the valley, have a competitive edge/eco system,that the
poor great guys outside the valley can't match.

> 3. People who are already in the Valley are inherently superior, and us
> little people in India are wasting our time trying to emulate them.

Ha ha!!! well well!!, I can't answer this question! But let me tell you a
fact I know. Sunder Pichai, and Vic Gondotra are Great Indians who work in
the Valley for Google.

> These are three possible hypotheses. What are yours?

Forget about your three possible hypothesis . I hope I have answered your
questions above!


“The *young man* knows the rules but the *old man* knows the
exceptions”. *Oliver
Wendell Holmes*
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