Dude, you seriously have lots of free time on your hands... Here is what
I (used to) do when I had time to waste as you do.

1. Go to http://code.activestate.com/recipes
2. Think up a problem I like to solve on the day and write it up in Python
3. Submit as a Python recipe.

Of course you can do it in Perl or PHP, but Python rulez there.

Around 5 recipes of the total 35 I submitted with this thinking have been
actively used and some of them were forked off by other "Open source"
folks to projects of their own - well at least one (pyjavaproperties).

So, next time you bash open source in general, give me a call and
I could advise you on the "fringe" benefits open source gives you
which I dont think you are truly aware.


On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 8:10 AM, Santosh Rajan <santra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As Sartaj Singh Kang, correctly pointed out, there are big bad trainwrecks
> in this world. I think this whole thread must be a cumpulsory reading for
> all students of computer science, all over the world. Attleast they need to
> now  there are big bad trainwrecks still alive in this world.
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