In that case why don't you explain your point in a very "coherent" manner,
so that we lesser mortals get it. What are you saying with respect to the
subject of this thread?

On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 1:12 AM, Sirtaj Singh Kang <>wrote:

> On 17-May-11, at 12:59 AM, Santosh Rajan wrote:
> [snip]
>  I think you must read this thread very carefully again. Where did I say
>> anything against FOSS? Where did I say software must be charged? Don't put
>> words into my mouth just for your arguments sake.
> I could certainly quote bits of your own posts back to you, but it's a
> waste of my time.
>  So what is the point you are making? Are you suggesting that I have no
>> right
>> to make the arguments I am making because i am paying/not paying  Google?
> Yes.
> I understand your core point - first start making money, then talk about
> giving away the fruits of your time and effort when the basic needs are
> taken care of. You haven't framed it very coherently though, and you haven't
> really addressed the points others have made. There are plenty of people
> making a living off giving away software, and I think it's okay for Indians
> to aspire to it too.
> -Taj.
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