Hi Senthil,

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 8:20 AM, Senthil Kumaran <orsent...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Baiju,
> I think that was "Call for Application" for Sponsored Sprint. Like if we all
> decide upon a sprint date and chalk out of our tasks, then, we can approach
> PSF with the details  (the tasks we are undertaking) and request them if
> they can sponsor it. *If they agree to sponsor it, then the money details
> can handled by organizer , it could be single person whom the group can
> trust. I don't think we should get to legal entity details here.
> If you like to consider getpython3.net  site development as a part of
> sprint, then I think you should put forth the proposal with PSF. But
> personally, I think that  it is a very good one/two person project and  I
> would like sprints to be a community event. Like if we can get at least 10
> people to work on enhancing/ bug fixing the existing projects (bluebream,
> django, twisted or python and similar) so that new-comers have an edge in
> joining the respective project communities, it would have a greater benefit.
> If we plan or decide upon such an event in the near future, we should take
> this opportunity extended by PSF.
> Also, if we plan for Sprints, we should allow remote participation too. (I
> can participate only remotely for bangpypers these days :) !)

We can definitely do more sprints in future.  Let's see how the first one goes.
Then, we will approach PSF for funding, at least we can
have some Biriyani :)

Baiju M
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