Hi Baiju,

I think that was "Call for Application" for Sponsored Sprint. Like if we all
decide upon a sprint date and chalk out of our tasks, then, we can approach
PSF with the details  (the tasks we are undertaking) and request them if
they can sponsor it. *If they agree to sponsor it, then the money details
can handled by organizer , it could be single person whom the group can
trust. I don't think we should get to legal entity details here.

If you like to consider getpython3.net  site development as a part of
sprint, then I think you should put forth the proposal with PSF. But
personally, I think that  it is a very good one/two person project and  I
would like sprints to be a community event. Like if we can get at least 10
people to work on enhancing/ bug fixing the existing projects (bluebream,
django, twisted or python and similar) so that new-comers have an edge in
joining the respective project communities, it would have a greater benefit.
If we plan or decide upon such an event in the near future, we should take
this opportunity extended by PSF.

Also, if we plan for Sprints, we should allow remote participation too. (I
can participate only remotely for bangpypers these days :) !)


On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 7:53 AM, Baiju M <baiju.m.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Brian,
>                Thanks for informing us about sprint sponsorship.
>  BangPypers
> is going to organize a one day sprint for the first time next weekend
> (30th Jan).
> We are going to develop a site: http://getpython3.net/ similar to
> http://isitruby19.com/ Two of us (Me & Noufal) has experience in
> participating
> US PyCON sprints. I will discuss with other participants and let you
> know if any sponsorship is required.  BTW, BangPypers is not a
> registered organization
> (legal entity), so I am not sure how the fund can be transferred.  May be
> we
> can use the help of IPSS (Indian Python Software Society).
> Regards,
> Baiju M
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