Hello Bangalore Python Users! On behalf of the Python Software Foundation’s sponsored sprint group, I wanted to drop your group a quick note introducing us. If you’re already familiar with our sponsored sprints, you’ll be happy to know we made a few changes to help both sprint groups and Python even more.
The PSF recently set aside funding to be distributed to groups who spend time contributing to the Python ecosystem, often in the form of development sprints. Our goal is to help you help Python, so whether it’s buying meals or renting meeting space for your all-day hackathon, we have a budget set aside to reimburse your expenses up to $300 (up from $250). If your goal is to make the Python world a better place, and you work on the problems facing Python today, we want to help you. We’re looking for groups of hackers that spend their time fixing and expanding the wide variety of Python interpreters, libraries, tools, and anything else affecting the community.We’re also looking for groups who want to help and get started but don’t have the resources to get together. Whether your group is separated by a train ride or lacking a shared space, we want to help you. On-boarding new contributors to open source Python projects is an especially important area that we’d like to work with.This means if you have a Python project and you want to sprint -- we want to help you.Some sprints we’ve sponsored include the porting of Genshi to Python 3, improvements to packaging (Distribute/distutils), and most recently, the PyPy winter sprint in Switzerland. If your group is interested in hosting a sprint, check out the full details of our call for applications at http://www.pythonsprints.com/cfa/ and contact us at spri...@python.org. Thanks for your time, and happy sprinting! Brian Curtin Jesse Noller http://www.pythonsprints.com/ <http://pythonsprints.com/> _______________________________________________ BangPypers mailing list BangPypers@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/bangpypers