
Ok thanks for this. 

I will try some different settings. Maybe I'll send back my conclusions for the 

And if any advises more, I gladly take them ...

Best regards


De : Graham Sparks <g...@hotmail.co.uk> 
Envoyé : jeudi 23 décembre 2021 18:29
À : bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Objet : Re: Restore experience report


The backup speed seems reasonable, and the Bacula manual states that restores 
can reasonably be as much as one-third of the speed of the equivalent backup 
  I notice also that you are restoring to an NTFS partition. I'm restoring to 
XFS or ext4, so I'm not sure if the filesystem NTFS is causing the slower 

I also notice that you have a lot of files for only 32GB-- ~200,000 files.  I'd 
probably call these "small" files.  The smaller the files, the more noticeable 
file creation and attribute application 'slow-down' will be during the restore 

As far as I know, "Comm Line" compression should be enabled by default, and is 
only reported to be "None" if the files are already well-compressed.
Another option that might help, but that should also be enabled by default, is 
the "SpoolAttributes = yes" Job directive.

I'm sorry, but I've run out of suggestions at this point.  Hopefully someone 
with more experience of troubleshooting transfer speeds in Bacula might have 
something more concrete to offer.

I'm hoping to update to a USB3 HDD dock, so I'll be keeping an eye on transfer 
speeds to see what difference this makes.


From: Lionel PLASSE <mailto:pla...@cofiem.fr>
Sent: 23 December 2021 15:28
To: Graham Sparks <mailto:g...@hotmail.co.uk>; 
Subject: RE: Restore experience report 

Yes it's on a blue usb port. 

I expected too those kind of speed.

I can reach 69614.5 KB/s for a Full backup job for this client (620.6 GB)  and 
3253.3 KB/s  for an other.

And I just see that the difference is only there  is no software compression 
for the first and 53% for the second. I will look after the compression 
settings for the jobs.

And anthor fact is that  my backup job are made 3 by 3. So  Does the concurent 
job affect the performance with perhaps non sequentiel data on the volume ? 

I keep  sudying the question  first with compression  settings 


De : Graham Sparks <mailto:g...@hotmail.co.uk> 
Envoyé : jeudi 23 décembre 2021 16:02
À : mailto:bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Objet : Re: Restore experience report

Thanks for the info.  What sort of backup transfer rates are you getting (from 
your clients to the USB-3 backup disk)?

I back up over a 1Gb/s network to a USB2.0 device and get 42MB/s backup. I also 
get 25MB/s restore (restoring from USB2.0 to a directly-connected SSD), so I'd 
expect better for USB-3 without a network bottleneck (perhaps 

Forgive me if it's a silly question, but is the USB-3 drive definitely 
connected to a USB-3 (blue, or "SS"-labelled) USB port?

Picking some very (very) arbitrary figures, I'd expect your results to be 
around 100MB/s backup and 50MB/s restore according to the set-up you describe.


From: Lionel PLASSE
Sent: 23 December 2021 13:53
To: mailto:bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net 
Cc: Graham Sparks <mailto:g...@hotmail.co.uk>
Subject: RE: Restore experience report 
Yes you're right, i explain the situation 

The targeted disk for restauration is  a SATA-II directly  connected to the 
mother board with a SATA cable nor USB nor RAID but directly  to the SATA 
controller, it's a small  extension to the front of the computer. 

The backup media volumes  are usb disk volume   and  stored  on USB-3  disks .
This  USB disk (XFS formatted)  contains  the volume file and all bsr and 
backup of bacula conf .  It is automatically mounted by linux when plugged on 
the storage dir .  
One USB disk file with one media volume file.
All my dayly jobs (9jobs for 9 clients) are run on the volume every day :  
Incremental from Mon to Thu and Differental the Friday and each first Friday it 
is a Full instead of Diff  

Bacula-dir sd fd and mariadb are on the same server
I restore on the same machine from the USB volumes to the hotplugged SATA disk. 

I  thought that because of  all the restauration process has been made on the 
same server it will be faster ... 


De : Graham Sparks <mailto:g...@hotmail.co.uk> 
Envoyé : jeudi 23 décembre 2021 14:00
À : mailto:bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Objet : Re: Restore experience report


I think a little more info is needed to narrow down whether or not these 
restore transfer figures are slow in this particular case.

How is the hotplug SATA-II restore disk connected (RAID controller, or USB), 
and is it connected to the bacula server directly, or through a client?
Also, where/how is the backup data stored?


From: Lionel PLASSE
Sent: 23 December 2021 09:35
To: mailto:bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net 
Subject: [Bacula-users] Restore experience report 

I just post my full restore experience for performance studying purpose.

I use Bacula & - 10.3.30-MariaDB  on  a Debian 11 buster x64 i5-2320 
3Ghz CPU - 32GB ram  

For the 1st restoration (by baculum wizard  interface) FULL on Western Digital 
Blue 500Gb (DOS partition table and  NTFS partition) : 

Where:                  /srv
  Replace:                Never
  Start time:             22-déc.-2021 09:19:43
  End time:               22-déc.-2021 12:04:47
  Elapsed time:           2 hours 45 mins 4 secs
  Files Expected:         202,006
  Files Restored:         202,027
  Bytes Restored:         32,650,343,324 (32.65 GB)
  Rate:                   3296.7 KB/s
  FD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Restore OK

~2h25 of restoration cause there was 3 volumes in use for restoration 
(FULL/DIFF&INCR) and I didn't noticed the request of changing volume.

The rate is a bit slow I think. (max rate was 5 MB/s)

I'm performing now an other full resto with a greater size of restoration on a 
4TB Westerndigital  Violet (GPT  & NTFS  partition)
The rate is curently 10.62 MB/s

Feed back the result this afternoon (I hope)

What do you think of the performance, is it possible to do better  ? knowing 
that the restored  disk   is on a hotplug SATA II interface. 

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