Oh there are at least five different places to setup Heart Beat
Interval (Dir, SD, and FD). Unfortunately my memory is not good
enough to remember them all. Please ask others or see the
documentation ...
The easiest way is to get on a current version -- e.g. 9.2.2 where
it is done by defaut.
Best regards,
On 11/26/18 11:13 AM, Andras Horvai
Hello Kern,
yes you are right I am using bacula 7.0.5 shipped with
Ubuntu 16.04.
Where should I setup heartbeat interval? On SD's or FD's
config? Or both?
Thanks for your help!
If I remember right you are running on a *very* old Bacula,
and the problem seems to be that the backup takes more than
2 hours. One of your comm lines (SD <-> FD) times
out. I mention your old version because newer Bacula's
automatically fix this problem by turning on Heart Beat
Interval = 300, which is very likely to resolve your
Best regards,
11/26/18 10:34 AM, Andras Horvai wrote:
Hi Tilman,
thank you for your answer! But unfortunately the
firewall cannot be a problem here :)
The problem happens only with Copy Jobs. The SD and
the FD is on the same device. There is no firewall on
the machine.
So what I am doing is the following:
during weekend I do full backup with the backup
server to file storage on the backup server. Then
starting from Monday I am doing Copy Job from the
server to a Tape device connected to the backup
server. This works pretty well till Tape does not get
full. When Tape gets full bacula asks for another
We replace the tape, so job would continue (as
expected) but then at the end we got the job error...
So I am puzzled what is wrong.
Please feel free to share your ideas...
is there a firewall between the client and the SD?
The message
> 20-Nov 12:25 backup-sd JobId 4845: Fatal error:
append.c:223 Network error reading from FD.
ERR=Connection reset by peer
looks suspiciously like a firewall killing the FD - SD
because it sees it as idle.
Am 22.11.2018 um 16:04 schrieb Andras Horvai:
> Dear list,
> I have to following problem:
> We use copy jobs to copy weekly full backups to
WORM tape but when a tape
> gets filled and needs to change the copy job
failed. Bacula says
> intervention is
> needed so we put a new tape in the tape drive.
What can be the problem?
> Copy job report:
> 20-Nov 12:25 backup-sd JobId 4838: End of Volume
at file 0 on device
> "FileStorage" (/backup), Volume "FILEW-0542"
> 20-Nov 12:25 backup-sd JobId 4838: End of all
> 20-Nov 12:25 backup-sd JobId 4838: Elapsed
time=02:45:29, Transfer
> rate=42.14 M Bytes/second
> 20-Nov 12:25 backup1 JobId 4838: Error: Bacula
backup1 7.0.5 (28Jul14):
> Build OS: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
ubuntu 16.04
> Prev Backup JobId: 4837
> Prev Backup Job:
> New Backup JobId: 4845
> Current JobId: 4838
> Current Job:
> Backup Level: Full
> Client: None
> FileSet: "None" 2017-06-19
> Read Pool: "ServersWeeklyFullFile"
(From Job resource)
> Read Storage: "File" (From Pool
> Write Pool: "TapeArchive" (From
Pool's NextPool resource)
> Write Storage: "LTO-4" 20-Nov 09:39
backup1 JobId 4845: Using
> Device "LTO-4" to write.
> 20-Nov 12:01 backup-sd JobId 4845: End of Volume
"WORMW-1242" at
> 386:27137 on device "LTO-4" (/dev/nst0). Write of
64512 bytes got -1.
> 20-Nov 12:01 backup-sd JobId 4845: Re-read of
last block succeeded.
> 20-Nov 12:01 backup-sd JobId 4845: End of medium
on Volume "WORMW-1242"
> Bytes=764,853,046,272 Blocks=11,855,980 at
20-Nov-2018 12:01.
> 20-Nov 12:01 backup1 JobId 4845: Created new
> Pool="TapeArchive", MediaType="LTO-4" in catalog.
> 20-Nov 12:01 backup-sd JobId 4845: Please mount
append Volume
> "WORMW-1243" or label a new one for:
> Job: db1-job.2018-11-20_07.59.54_12
> Storage: "LTO-4" (/dev/nst0)
> Pool: TapeArchive
> Media type: LTO-4
> 20-Nov 12:15 backup-sd JobId 4845: Error: The
Volume=WORMW-1243 on
> device="LTO-4" (/dev/nst0) appears to be
> 20-Nov 12:15 backup-sd JobId 4845: Labeled new
Volume "WORMW-1243" on
> tape device "LTO-4" (/dev/nst0).
> 20-Nov 12:15 backup-sd JobId 4845: Wrote label to
prelabeled Volume
> "WORMW-1243" on tape device "LTO-4" (/dev/nst0)
> 20-Nov 12:15 backup-sd JobId 4845: New volume
"WORMW-1243" mounted on
> device "LTO-4" (/dev/nst0) at 20-Nov-2018 12:15.
> 20-Nov 12:25 backup-sd JobId 4845: Fatal error:
append.c:223 Network
> error reading from FD. ERR=Connection reset by
> 20-Nov 12:25 backup-sd JobId 4845: Elapsed
time=02:31:15, Transfer
> rate=46.11 M Bytes/second
> (From Pool's NextPool resource)
> Catalog: "MyCatalog" (From
Client resource)
> Start time: 20-Nov-2018 09:39:31
> End time: 20-Nov-2018 12:25:04
> Elapsed time: 2 hours 45 mins 33 secs
> Priority: 13
> SD Files Written: 4,792
> SD Bytes Written: 418,488,802,122 (418.4
> Rate: 42131.2 KB/s
> Volume name(s): WORMW-1242|WORMW-1243
> Volume Session Id: 9
> Volume Session Time: 1542631131
> Last Volume Bytes: 33,060,787,200 (33.06
> SD Errors: 0
> SD termination status: OK
> Termination: *** Copying Error ***
> Regarding copy jobs the FD and the SD are on the
same machine.
> we are using:
> Distributor ID: Ubuntu
> Description: Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS
> Release: 16.04
> Codename: xenial
> bacula 7.0.5
> Tape drive: HP Ultrium 4-SCSI
> Thanks for help,
> Andras
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