It is not impossible that a newer FD will work with an older director, but it is not guaranteed, and when we make changes to the protocols between the daemons, then it will not work. For the inverse (older FD with newer DIR/SD) we always take care to add code that makes them work together.

Best regards,

On 18/08/2017 12:00, Davide Giunchi - Diennea wrote:
Martin you are right , but in the last years, even the opposite has been true: 
newer file daemon works with older dir/sd.


On Fri, 18 Aug 2017 08:37:56 +0000, Davide Giunchi said:
Today i've upgraded one bacula-fd to the 9.0.3 version, if i now run a
backup job of that file daemon with a 7.4.0 director and storage daemon, i
get this error:


Kern has always said that "Older File Daemons *should* be compatible with
the x.x.x Director" and this has been true for years, it seems that with
this (9.0.3) latest version you need to align DIR with FD and SD.
Haven't you done the exact opposite of Kern's advice and used a *newer* File



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