Hello, Erik,

"mysql_real_connect done bacula-dir: mysql.c:259-0 db_user=bacula
db_name=bacula db_password= bacula-dir: mysql.c:269-0 Error 1044
(42000): Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 'bacula'
bacula-dir: dird.c:969-0 Could not open Catalog "MyCatalog", database
"bacula". bacula-dir: dird.c:974-0 mysql.c:265 Unable to connect to
MySQL server. Database=bacula User=bacula MySQL connect failed either
server not running or your authorization is incorrect. bacula-dir:
mysql.c:319-0 closedb ref=0 connected=0 db=0 11-mar 21:07 bacula-dir
ERROR TERMINATION Please correct configuration file: bacula-dir.conf"

Your director daemon is "abending" right after you start it because it can't 
connect to MySQL Bacula catalog (you should have more friendly messages about 
that in your Bacula log).
Verify if bacula database, tables and user are created, MySQL service is 
running and has correct credentials. 
Bacula database user and password is set at bacula-dir.conf, Catalog resource.

Heitor Medrado de Faria - LPIC-III | ITIL-F | Bacula Systems Certified 
Administrator II 
• Do you need Bacula training? http://bacula.us/video-classes/ 
+55 61 8268-4220 | http://bacula.us 

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