> Date: Sunday, March 12, 2017 11:53:57 +0100 > From: "Erik P. Olsen" <epod...@gmail.com> > To: Kern Sibbald <k...@sibbald.com> > > Hello Kern, > > I've read the manual numerous times and followed the instructions > again and again. > > mysql mysql >> select * from user; > > works OK, so I assume everything is OK with the database and the > access privileges. There seems nothing I can do other than continue > taking backups from my old desktop which for other reasons is not > advisable. >
Looking back through all the messages in this thread, it appears that you have two problems. One is that you can't connect to the director daemon: bconsole: bsock.c:278-0 Could not connect to server Director daemon ERR=Connection refused You likely need to fix the configuration in your bacula bconsole.conf file. The other is your db setup/access: Error 1044 (42000): Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 'bacula' bacula-dir: dird.c:969-0 Could not open Catalog "MyCatalog", database "bacula" The sequence that you have tried: > mysql mysql >> select * from user; doesn't tell you much of anything related to bacula. The "mysql" db and "user" table are part of the mysql basic setup so will always be there if you have mysql/mariadb installed and configured. What you need to test for bacula is the existence of the db "bacula" and (access to the) tables within that. Start with the command: mysql -h <dbhost> -u bacula [if you have changed the defaults in the "Catalog" section of your bacula-dir.conf you will need to make the necessary adjustments to the above.] from the machine where you have the bacula-sd installed. If they are all on the same (new) machine, then the "-h <dbhost>" part is unnecessary. This should get you the mysql herald and "mysql>" prompt. Assuming it does, issue the command: show databases; that should give you a list that includes "bacula". Assuming so, then: use bacula; and: show tables; Assuming no errors, the last command should give you a list of 20+ tables. Try issuing a: select * from <tablename>; for any of them [e.g., "Client" or "Job"). Given that you haven't done any backups yet they should be empty, but being able to read a table goes somewhat to the access issue. You should also try inserting a (minimal) record into one of the tables to see if you have write access. You'll want to delete it if successful. If any of this fails, try: use mysql; select * from user where User="bacula"; and let us know what gets returned. Based on the results we can suggest further actions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Announcing the Oxford Dictionaries API! The API offers world-renowned dictionary content that is easy and intuitive to access. Sign up for an account today to start using our lexical data to power your apps and projects. Get started today and enter our developer competition. http://sdm.link/oxford _______________________________________________ Bacula-users mailing list Bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bacula-users