On Sunday 2017-03-05 19:53:26 Erik P. Olsen wrote:
> Hello Kern,
> I have main.pdf downloaded and I believe I have followed the various
> steps in phase II to the letter. I have come to the point where I need
> some tools to diagnose what is wrong. I am pretty sure that the problem
> is due to some sort of security settings in the mysql database but I
> am not able to see what that could and the manual has not been to any
> help in that respect

When in doubt always try to connect manually using the credentials
you plan to use from bacula-dir in order to rule out incorrect database
or network setup.

For example, from the bacula-dir server you can try something like this:
 mysql -h <dbhost> -u <dbuser> -p <dbname>

The command above should prompt you for a password and if you are
able to connect then there is nothing wrong with the mysql setup.
Otherwise you need to setup your mysql database properly first.


Josip Deanovic

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