On Monday 2017-03-06 10:57:03 Erik P. Olsen wrote:
> On 2017-03-06 at 09:48:40 Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > Yes, the manual assumes you did a standard rpm or deb install without
> > Selinux.  If you did anything else, either you are on your own, or you
> > must come back to a standard install.
> And if I happen to install without selinux what advice do I get from
> this message?

Are you using selinux?

If you do, I would suggest to turn it off (not just because of bacula).
It's unreliable, too complex and almost certainly will make more harm
than good. It will also make you think that your system substantially
more secure.

If you really need security enhanced system there are other solutions
that have proven themselves to actually make system more secure and
they are often less complex and easier to maintain but I don't want
to go into it because it would leave the scope of this mailing list.

Anyways, if you want to continue with selinux you will have to
learn how it works, how to manage it and how to debug it in order
to understand how your bacula processes relate to different files
and then you have to setup a proper selinux context for that files.
I believe it's possible to find many articles on this subject on the

Josip Deanovic

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