just tried it on another windows 10 pc, which is not within a domain, and there 
it worked without problems. 
so any GPO of my domain makes bacula not working fine. 

thanks for your help 

Von: "Martin Feldbacher" <martin.feldbac...@stegbauer.info> 
An: "Joseph L. Casale" <jcas...@activenetwerx.com> 
CC: "bacula-users" <bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net> 
Gesendet: Montag, 8. Februar 2016 10:05:40 
Betreff: Re: [Bacula-users] cant start bacula-fd on windows 7, interactive 


why is bacula-fd running on my windows 7 (running on virtualbox) in the same 
version without any problems? 
the only difference to the other system where it's not running is, the failed 
machine is on a domain. so maybe any GPO setting is the reason, but can't 
figure out which setting this could be. 

best regards 

Von: "Joseph L. Casale" <jcas...@activenetwerx.com> 
An: "Martin Feldbacher" <martin.feldbac...@stegbauer.info>, "Kern Sibbald" 
CC: "bacula-users" <bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net> 
Gesendet: Freitag, 5. Februar 2016 21:06:47 
Betreff: Re: cant start bacula-fd on windows 7, interactive service 

> just tried to install bacula-fd on a Windows 10 client with local 
> administrator via Teamviewer (not RDP), but ran into the same error. 
> any other hints for this issue? 
> best regards 
> martin 

The problem has nothing to do with using rdp or not, it has to do with 
the installer's service creation which is defining the service as interactive. 

Use sc.exe to remove and recreate the service properly without defining 
it as interactive. 

Totally untested: 

sc create Bacula-fd binpath= "\"C:\Program Files\Bacula\bacula-fd.exe\" 
/service -c \"C:\Program Files\Bacula\bacula-fd.conf\"" depend= "tcpip/afd" 
DisplayName= "Bacula File Service" start= auto type= own 
sc description Bacula-fd "..." 



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