Having restarted mysql and the bacula services, I was able to change the tape 
and the backup on the 13th went through fine. However this morning I have found 
that all the jobs were cancelled. I can certainly try pruning jobs to see if 
that helps. The output I am getting from list media follows. 

*list media
Automatically selected Catalog: skippy_catalog
Using Catalog "skippy_catalog"
Pool: lto_specials_pool
| MediaId | VolumeName     | VolStatus | Enabled | VolBytes | VolFiles | 
VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten         |
|     123 | LTO-S20160107A | Append    |       1 |        0 |        0 |   
63,072,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
Pool: lto_test_pool
| MediaId | VolumeName     | VolStatus | Enabled | VolBytes | VolFiles | 
VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten         |
|     124 | LTO-T20160107A | Append    |       1 |        0 |        0 |        
1,800 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
Pool: lto_weekly_pool
| MediaId | VolumeName     | VolStatus | Enabled | VolBytes          | VolFiles 
| VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten         |
|      93 | LTO-W20110831A | Full      |       1 | 1,105,344,737,280 |    1,119 
|    2,937,600 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2015-11-20 22:24:24 |
|      94 | LTO-W20110908A | Used      |       1 |    19,264,637,952 |       28 
|    2,937,600 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2015-11-24 22:26:26 |
|      96 | LTO-W20110921A | Used      |       1 | 1,043,323,481,088 |    1,045 
|    2,937,600 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2016-01-12 07:19:50 |
|      97 | LTO-W20110928A | Append    |       1 | 1,053,303,874,560 |    1,056 
|    2,937,600 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2016-01-14 05:44:36 |
|      98 | LTO-W20111006A | Used      |       1 | 1,121,663,370,240 |    1,156 
|    2,937,600 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2015-11-17 22:28:21 |
|     113 | LTO-W20140117A | Used      |       1 | 1,098,770,190,336 |    1,126 
|    2,937,600 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2015-12-01 22:26:37 |
|     116 | LTO-W20140530A | Used      |       1 |                 0 |        0 
|    2,937,600 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
|     117 | LTO-W20110914A | Used      |       1 | 1,107,616,398,336 |    1,137 
|    2,937,600 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2015-12-22 22:29:22 |
|     118 | LTO-W20140724  | Used      |       1 |    46,964,671,488 |       76 
|    2,937,600 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2015-12-08 22:24:43 |
|     119 | LTO-W20141103A | Used      |       1 | 1,103,751,032,832 |    1,131 
|    2,937,600 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2015-12-15 22:28:13 |
|     121 | LTO-W20141230A | Used      |       1 | 1,091,827,666,944 |    1,115 
|    2,937,600 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2015-12-28 22:21:26 |
Pool: lto_monthly_pool
| MediaId | VolumeName     | VolStatus | Enabled | VolBytes          | VolFiles 
| VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten         |
|      99 | LTO-M20111102A | Used      |       1 | 1,064,162,792,448 |    1,067 
|   31,104,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2015-12-03 06:14:52 |
|     101 | LTO-M20111207A | Used      |       1 | 1,143,050,130,432 |    1,146 
|   31,104,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2014-12-04 06:07:45 |
|     102 | LTO-M20120104A | Used      |       1 | 1,094,157,066,240 |    1,097 
|   31,104,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2015-02-05 06:10:19 |
|     103 | LTO-M20120201A | Used      |       1 | 1,045,603,593,216 |    1,048 
|   31,104,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2015-03-05 05:55:09 |
|     104 | LTO-M20120307A | Used      |       1 | 1,054,477,412,352 |    1,057 
|   31,104,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2015-04-02 06:01:17 |
|     105 | LTO-M20120404A | Used      |       1 | 1,031,694,676,992 |    1,033 
|   31,104,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2015-06-04 06:07:42 |
|     107 | LTO-M20120606A | Used      |       1 | 1,061,093,634,048 |    1,063 
|   31,104,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2015-07-02 06:24:50 |
|     108 | LTO-M20120801A | Used      |       1 | 1,025,665,837,056 |    1,028 
|   31,104,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2015-09-03 05:52:42 |
|     109 | LTO-M20120905A | Used      |       1 | 1,059,505,606,656 |    1,062 
|   31,104,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2015-10-08 06:11:30 |
|     110 | LTO-M20121003A | Used      |       1 | 1,063,931,710,464 |    1,067 
|   31,104,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2015-11-05 06:20:44 |
|     112 | LTO-M20130703A | Used      |       1 | 1,004,959,936,512 |    1,009 
|   31,104,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2015-08-06 05:24:24 |
Pool: lto_archive_pool
| MediaId | VolumeName     | VolStatus | Enabled | VolBytes          | VolFiles 
| VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten         |
|      65 | LTO-R20071107A | Purged    |       1 |    68,953,165,217 |       74 
|  157,680,000 |       0 |    0 |         1 | LTO       | 2007-11-08 03:36:50 |
|      79 | LTO-R20080507A | Purged    |       1 |    88,168,316,440 |       94 
|  157,680,000 |       0 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2008-05-08 03:24:44 |
|      85 | LTO-R20081105A | Purged    |       1 |   139,036,430,693 |      144 
|  157,680,000 |       0 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2008-11-06 03:43:30 |
|      88 | LTO-R20090506A | Purged    |       1 |   208,192,029,696 |      213 
|  157,680,000 |       0 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2009-05-07 03:33:49 |
|      89 | LTO-R20091104A | Purged    |       1 |   282,999,693,312 |      288 
|  157,680,000 |       0 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2009-11-05 04:26:24 |
|      90 | LTO-R20100505A | Purged    |       1 |   361,254,426,624 |      365 
|  157,680,000 |       0 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2010-05-06 08:17:03 |
|      91 | LTO-R20101103A | Purged    |       1 |   431,760,236,544 |      436 
|  157,680,000 |       0 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2010-11-04 06:31:20 |
|      92 | LTO-R20110504A | Used      |       1 |   494,447,063,040 |      499 
|  157,680,000 |       0 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2011-05-05 05:20:31 |
|     106 | LTO-R20120502A | Used      |       1 |   649,362,502,656 |      655 
|  315,360,000 |       0 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2012-05-03 06:41:47 |
|     111 | LTO-R20130501A | Used      |       1 |   810,024,542,208 |      812 
|  315,360,000 |       0 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2013-05-02 04:54:02 |
|     114 | LTO-R20140507A | Used      |       1 | 1,078,025,582,592 |    1,081 
|  315,360,000 |       0 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2014-05-08 05:43:48 |
|     122 | LTO-R20150506A | Append    |       1 | 1,045,356,576,768 |    1,048 
|  315,360,000 |       0 |    0 |         0 | LTO       | 2015-05-07 05:55:56 |

If I do status director I get the following

*status director
skippy_dir Version: 5.2.6 (21 February 2012) x86_64-pc-linux-gnu debian 7.0
Daemon started 13-Jan-16 14:08. Jobs: run=14, running=13 mode=0,0
 Heap: heap=1,576,960 smbytes=251,235 max_bytes=650,584 bufs=906 max_bufs=921

Scheduled Jobs:
Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Name               Volume
Incremental    Backup   100  15-Jan-16 16:00    t400-dmc_backup    
Incremental    Backup   100  15-Jan-16 16:00    t440-pae_backup    
Incremental    Backup   100  15-Jan-16 16:00    t500-pae_backup    
Incremental    Backup     1  15-Jan-16 22:10    skippy_backup      
Incremental    Backup    10  15-Jan-16 22:10    echidna_backup     
Incremental    Backup    50  15-Jan-16 22:10    calendar_backup    
Incremental    Backup    50  15-Jan-16 22:10    twiki_backup       
Incremental    Backup    50  15-Jan-16 22:10    z230-francois_backup 
Incremental    Backup   100  15-Jan-16 22:10    platypus_backup    
Incremental    Backup   100  15-Jan-16 22:10    kangaroo_backup    
Incremental    Backup   100  15-Jan-16 22:10    phascogale_backup  
Incremental    Backup   100  15-Jan-16 22:10    win7-francois_backup 
Full           Backup   500  15-Jan-16 22:10    catalog_backup     

Running Jobs:
Console connected at 15-Jan-16 08:49
 JobId Level   Name                       Status
 33815 Increme  skippy_backup.2016-01-14_22.10.00_22 has been canceled
 33816 Increme  echidna_backup.2016-01-14_22.10.01_23 has been canceled
 33817 Increme  calendar_backup.2016-01-14_22.10.01_24 has been canceled
 33818 Increme  twiki_backup.2016-01-14_22.10.01_25 has been canceled
 33819 Increme  z230-francois_backup.2016-01-14_22.10.01_26 has been canceled
 33820 Increme  platypus_backup.2016-01-14_22.10.01_27 has been canceled
 33821 Increme  kangaroo_backup.2016-01-14_22.10.01_28 has been canceled
 33822 Increme  phascogale_backup.2016-01-14_22.10.01_29 has been canceled
 33823 Full    win7-francois_backup.2016-01-14_22.10.01_30 has been canceled
 33824 Increme  t400-dmc_backup.2016-01-14_22.10.01_31 has been canceled
 33825 Increme  t500-pae_backup.2016-01-14_22.10.01_32 has been canceled
 33826 Increme  t440-pae_backup.2016-01-14_22.10.01_33 has been canceled
 33827 Full    catalog_backup.2016-01-14_22.10.01_34 has been canceled

Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  Level    Files      Bytes   Status   Finished        Name
 33804  Full      1,961    3.615 M  OK       14-Jan-16 04:38 calendar_backup
 33805  Full     20,084    5.292 G  OK       14-Jan-16 04:42 twiki_backup
 33809  Full      2,071    15.52 M  OK       14-Jan-16 04:42 phascogale_backup
 33810  Full          0         0   Error    14-Jan-16 04:42 
 33808  Full        853    166.6 M  OK       14-Jan-16 04:43 kangaroo_backup
 33807  Full    106,645    5.872 G  OK       14-Jan-16 04:56 platypus_backup
 33813  Full    112,376    3.058 G  OK       14-Jan-16 05:13 t440-pae_backup
 33811  Full    652,246    19.13 G  OK       14-Jan-16 05:14 t400-dmc_backup
 33812  Full     53,781    3.348 G  OK       14-Jan-16 05:40 t500-pae_backup
 33814  Full          1    5.366 G  OK       14-Jan-16 05:44 catalog_backup


I can't really be restarting mysql every day and using a new tape. Not sure 
really where to go next.

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