Well the best way to get what you want is to take contact with Bacula
Systems.  All professional salesmen "qualify" potential customers very
quickly to see if there is a match between budget and a rough estimate
of the cost of any product.

If you go to:


you will see what product range you fit into -- then just follow the
links and the salesmen will quickly give you an idea of the cost.

If I remember right prices run from a few thousand dollars for a small
site to approximately $50-100K for a large site, but I suspect that you
will be on the low end.  In addition, Universities usually get a better
deal, which is why it is better to talk to someone.

Best regards,

On 10/20/2015 06:40 AM, Novosielski, Ryan wrote:
>> On Oct 19, 2015, at 10:13, Kern Sibbald <k...@sibbald.com> wrote:
>>> On 10/19/2015 05:15 AM, Compdoc wrote:
>>>> Well, did you try to find prices at IBM webpage for its products? 
>>> I used to work for IBM. I know i cant afford them. Now I service computers 
>>> for small and medium size businesses, and I look for       alternatives to 
>>> yearly support subscriptions because in the end, I find the answers to 
>>> their problems. It's been many years since I've needed paid support. Many 
>>> years.
>>> Really, who doesn't want clear, concise pricing while avoiding salesmen who 
>>> can set prices based on what they think you can afford to pay? And who 
>>> doesn't want anonymity? I spend a lot money with Amazon because i can see 
>>> their prices and there's no waiting...
>>> Anyway, everyone wants to see bacula do well, including me, but adopting 
>>> the business models of huge corporations seems like the antithesis of open 
>>> source, and possibly marks the end of a great open source project. It's 
>>> sad, is all.
>> Your point of view seems to me to be a bit too pessimistic.  Bacula Systems 
>> is a company that (for the moment) is competing with big companies in the 
>> enterprise market such as EMC, Symantec, IBM, HP, and ...  Bacula Systems is 
>> doing quite well in that market and has been consistently growing at about 
>> 65% in revenues each year since its creation, consequently the future of 
>> Bacula Systems looks quite bright. The rather standard way of dealing with 
>> pricing seems to be more an advantage rather than a hindrance at least in 
>> the Enterprise market. 
> As someone who does not have a horse in this race, I can't say I do much 
> prefer to have some idea of ballpark of price before speaking to someone. It 
> seems a shame to me to initiate a process which generates a quote and to find 
> out that the quote is going to be $100,000 when all I have is $10k, or 
> something like that. Maybe there is some advantage there, because a sales 
> person can work with people individually, but it is nice to let people have a 
> rough idea. However, I am not an enterprise customer. Perhaps they think 
> completely opposite for all I know.
> Thanks for all you do.

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