On 10/17/2015 10:31 PM, Craig Shiroma wrote:
> Thank you, Heitor!  The information is much appreciated.
> Re:
>     - Bare Metal Restores - however, I'm not sure if this is still in
>     development
> I had no news from BMR in Bacula community version for such a long
> time, probably because virtualization is increasingly popular and it's
> much easier to backup a full VM for disaster recovery purposes. I know
> BE has a improved and easier version of BMR for Windows and Linux however.
> Does this mean that Bacula Enterprise can backup a VM, meaning the
> actual vmdks that make it up (all filesystems) and restore the VM? 
> Or, do you mean it can backup all the data on the VM and to restore
> the host if it was destroyed, the VM has to be re-created and then BE
> restores the data?  If the former, that would be great!

Bacula Enterprise can do both.

> Thanks again!
> -craig
> On Sat, Oct 17, 2015 at 8:56 AM, Heitor Faria <hei...@bacula.com.br
> <mailto:hei...@bacula.com.br>> wrote:
>         Hello,
>         Looking over the manual, it appears open source Bacula 7.0.5
>         can do the following. However,  I'd like to confirm via this
>         list if possible just to make sure I didn't misunderstand
>         something.  Also, are they easy to setup and is performance good?
>     What is your easy definition? =)
>     I recorded some video classes that may help you if you go with the
>     community version: http://bacula.us/video-classes/
>         - Synthetic Backups which I assume is Virtual Backups in Bacula
>     Yes. But on BE it is a improved
>     feature: 
> http://www.baculasystems.com/products/bacula-enterprise/features/progressive-virtual-full
>         - Encryption at rest and in transit
>     I think they are the same in both versions and it takes some time
>     and understanding, configuring and generating the keys. I think
>     it's slightly easier with Enterprise BE Bweb interface.
>         - Bare Metal Restores - however, I'm not sure if this is still
>         in development
>     I had no news from BMR in Bacula community version for such a long
>     time, probably because virtualization is increasingly popular and
>     it's much easier to backup a full VM for disaster recovery
>     purposes. I know BE has a improved and easier version of BMR for
>     Windows and Linux however.
>         - Deduplication
>     BE global deduplication goes further than the Community one
>     because of block level instead of file level dedup, good for large
>     files that always changes [E.g.: database dumps, VM images etc. -
> http://www.baculasystems.com/wp-content/uploads/bacula-enterprise-v8-global-endpoint-deduplication4.pdf].
>     I think it is also possible to replicate Bacula storage data and
>     only sync modified blocks.
>         Last, is setup of the above easier and performance more robust
>         in Bacula Enterprise?
>     They are basically different features. It always depend of the
>     size of your data center, business needs, service and operational
>     agreements. Probably a BE consultant can help you better at your
>     decision.  
>         Best regards,
>         -craig
>     Regards,
> ===========================================================================
>     Heitor Medrado de Faria - LPIC-III | ITIL-F |  Bacula Systems
>     Certified Administrator II
>     Do you need Bacula
>     training? 
> https://www.udemy.com/bacula-backup-software/?couponCode=bacula-list
>     I do Bacula training and deploy in any city of the world. More
>     information: http://bacula.us/
>     +55 61 <tel:%2B55%2061%202021-8260>8268-4220
>     <tel:%2B55%2061%208268-4220>
>     Site: http://bacula.us FB: heitor.faria
>     <http://www.facebook.com/heitor.faria> 
> ===========================================================================
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