> Thank you, Heitor! The information is much appreciated.
> Re:

>> - Bare Metal Restores - however, I'm not sure if this is still in development

> I had no news from BMR in Bacula community version for such a long time,
> probably because virtualization is increasingly popular and it's much easier 
> to
> backup a full VM for disaster recovery purposes. I know BE has a improved and
> easier version of BMR for Windows and Linux however.

> Does this mean that Bacula Enterprise can backup a VM, meaning the actual 
> vmdks
> that make it up (all filesystems) and restore the VM?

If you buy the specific VM backup plugin yes. Including block level incremental 
backups of the VM. 
However for file level restores it is still advisable to install Bacula Clients 
in each one of the VM (threat them as physical machines). 

> Or, do you mean it can backup all the data on the VM and to restore the host 
> if
> it was destroyed, the VM has to be re-created and then BE restores the data? 
> If
> the former, that would be great!

The plugin can recreate the machines automatically when restoring. 

> Thanks again!

You are welcome. 

> -craig

Heitor Medrado de Faria - LPIC-III | ITIL-F | Bacula Systems Certified 
Administrator II 
Do you need Bacula training? 
I do Bacula training and deploy in any city of the world. More information: 
+55 61 8268-4220 
Site: http://bacula.us FB: heitor.faria 

> On Sat, Oct 17, 2015 at 8:56 AM, Heitor Faria < hei...@bacula.com.br > wrote:

>>> Hello,
>>> Looking over the manual, it appears open source Bacula 7.0.5 can do the
>>> following. However, I'd like to confirm via this list if possible just to 
>>> make
>>> sure I didn't misunderstand something. Also, are they easy to setup and is
>>> performance good?

>> What is your easy definition? =)
>> I recorded some video classes that may help you if you go with the community
>> version: http://bacula.us/video-classes/

>>> - Synthetic Backups which I assume is Virtual Backups in Bacula

>> Yes. But on BE it is a improved feature:
>> http://www.baculasystems.com/products/bacula-enterprise/features/progressive-virtual-full

>>> - Encryption at rest and in transit

>> I think they are the same in both versions and it takes some time and
>> understanding, configuring and generating the keys. I think it's slightly
>> easier with Enterprise BE Bweb interface.

>>> - Bare Metal Restores - however, I'm not sure if this is still in 
>>> development

>> I had no news from BMR in Bacula community version for such a long time,
>> probably because virtualization is increasingly popular and it's much easier 
>> to
>> backup a full VM for disaster recovery purposes. I know BE has a improved and
>> easier version of BMR for Windows and Linux however.

>>> - Deduplication

>> BE global deduplication goes further than the Community one because of block
>> level instead of file level dedup, good for large files that always changes
>> [E.g.: database dumps, VM images etc. -
>> http://www.baculasystems.com/wp-content/uploads/bacula-enterprise-v8-global-endpoint-deduplication4.pdf
>> ]. I think it is also possible to replicate Bacula storage data and only sync
>> modified blocks.

>>> Last, is setup of the above easier and performance more robust in Bacula
>>> Enterprise?

>> They are basically different features. It always depend of the size of your 
>> data
>> center, business needs, service and operational agreements. Probably a BE
>> consultant can help you better at your decision.

>>> Best regards,
>>> -craig

>> Regards,
>> ===========================================================================
>> Heitor Medrado de Faria - LPIC-III | ITIL-F | Bacula Systems Certified
>> Administrator II
>> Do you need Bacula training?
>> https://www.udemy.com/bacula-backup-software/?couponCode=bacula-list
>> I do Bacula training and deploy in any city of the world. More information:
>> http://bacula.us/
>> +55 61 8268-4220
>> Site: http://bacula.us FB: heitor.faria
>> ===========================================================================
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