Hey thanks for the follow up!
I tried setting up this entry in my /etc/hosts file: localhost localhost.localdomain ops.mydomain.com
And bounced the bacula-dir daemon. Then I launched bconsole and was able to
get in! It looks like the database connection had to be made via the TCP
socket and connect via the loopback address. But whatever the reason, that
above entry in /etc/hosts solved the problem!
On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 1:19 PM, Bill Arlofski <waa-bac...@revpol.com>
> On 07/27/14 13:08, Tim Dunphy wrote:
> > Hi Bill,
> >
> > Yes the Password="xxx" matches between bconsole.conf and
> bacula-dir.conf.
> >
> > So not really sure why this error keeps happening!
> >
> > Thanks
> > Tim
> Have you restarted the Director after making changes to the
> bacula-dir.conf file?
> Typically, after making changes to the bacula-dir.conf file, you would
> issue a
> "reload" command in bconsole, but we need to get you connected via bconsole
> first. :)
> OK, one other thing... I see from your original post that you are
> connecting
> to ops.mydomain.com and I see from your feedback that bacula-dir is
> listening on all IPs on your server...
> Does ops.mydomain.com resolve to an IP that your bacula server is
> configured as?
> e.g.:
> # ifconfig eth0
> and
> # dig ops.mydomain.com A
> to verify
> Bill
> --
> Bill Arlofski
> Reverse Polarity, LLC
> http://www.revpol.com/
> -- Not responsible for anything below this line --
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