On 07/27/14 13:08, Tim Dunphy wrote:
> Hi Bill,
>  Yes the Password="xxx" matches between bconsole.conf and bacula-dir.conf. 
> So not really sure why this error keeps happening!
> Thanks
> Tim

Have you restarted the Director after making changes to the bacula-dir.conf 

Typically, after making changes to the bacula-dir.conf file, you would issue a
"reload" command in bconsole, but we need to get you connected via bconsole
first. :)

OK, one other thing... I see from your original post that you are connecting
to ops.mydomain.com    and I see from your feedback that bacula-dir is
listening on all IPs on your server...

Does ops.mydomain.com resolve to an IP that your bacula server is configured as?


# ifconfig eth0


# dig ops.mydomain.com A

to verify


Bill Arlofski
Reverse Polarity, LLC
-- Not responsible for anything below this line --

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