HI Bill,
Thanks for getting back to me on this! Ok, so let's take this a step at a
time. I hope we can find a solution for this because I really need bacula
to come online again.
So, from the top. We've established that the database is there and that I
can log in as the bacula user:
[root@ops:/etc/bacula] #mysql -ubacula -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
## redacted to save space ###
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input
mysql> *use bacula*
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
*Database changed*
I tried a couple different grants for the DB user any of which should work
I would think.
mysql> select User,'@',Host from user where User="bacula";
| User | @ | Host |
| bacula | @ | |
| bacula | @ | localhost |
| bacula | @ | ops.mydomain.com |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
I selected only a few key elements to show that the user was there. Let me
know if you'd like to see more info.
This is what I have for DB grants:
mysql> select * from db where User="bacula" AND Host="localhost" \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Host: localhost
Db: bacula
User: bacula
Select_priv: Y
Insert_priv: Y
Update_priv: Y
Delete_priv: Y
Create_priv: Y
Drop_priv: Y
Grant_priv: N
References_priv: Y
Index_priv: Y
Alter_priv: Y
Create_tmp_table_priv: Y
Lock_tables_priv: Y
Create_view_priv: Y
Show_view_priv: Y
Create_routine_priv: Y
Alter_routine_priv: Y
Execute_priv: Y
Event_priv: Y
Trigger_priv: Y
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
And the bacula tables are in the database:
mysql> use bacula
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_bacula |
| BaseFiles |
| CDImages |
| Client |
| Device |
| File |
| FileSet |
| Filename |
| Job |
| JobMedia |
| Location |
| LocationLog |
| Log |
| Media |
| MediaType |
| Path |
| Pool |
| Status |
| Storage |
| UnsavedFiles |
| Version |
20 rows in set (0.00 sec)
The bacula director service is running:
[root@ops:/etc/bacula] #service bacula-dir status
bacula-dir (pid 2658) is running...
And it's listening on the right port:
[root@ops:/etc/bacula] #netstat -tulpn | grep -i listen | grep bacula-dir
tcp 0 0*
LISTEN 2658/bacula-dir
After that, you will need to make sure that the password in your
> bconsole.conf
> matches the password in either bacula-dir's "Director" resource, or the
> password in a bacula-dir "Console" resource.
And yes, I've been able to verify that the database password matches what I
have in the config.
Thanks so much for the advice. Now I just need to know where to go from
On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 10:45 AM, Bill Arlofski <waa-bac...@revpol.com>
> Hi Tim,
> You showed that you can log into your mysql database, and that you can load
> the bacula database, but you didn't show the output of a "show tables"
> command.
> You need to make sure that the tables have been created in the Bacula
> database, and that permissions have been granted to the mysql bacula user.
> # mysql -u root -pPassword mysql
> > select * from user where User="bacula";
> and
> > select * from db where User="bacula";
> By default, the user "bacula" should have all access on Db "bacula" from
> localhost.
> If the DB looks OK, then you need to make sure the Bacula director is
> running
> and bound to port 9101/TCP...
> # service bacula-dir status
> If the bacula-dir is running the following command should show it bound to
> port 9101/TCP:
> # netstat -tlpn
> tcp 0 0* LISTEN 15436/bacula-dir
> After that, you will need to make sure that the password in your
> bconsole.conf
> matches the password in either bacula-dir's "Director" resource, or the
> password in a bacula-dir "Console" resource.
> Hope this helps.
> Bill
> --
> Bill Arlofski
> Reverse Polarity, LLC
> http://www.revpol.com/
> -- Not responsible for anything below this line --
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