Hi Richard,

There are some mistakes about the storage definition in your confs.
Considering you have an autochanger, I will put here a suggestion:


Storage {
  Name = micd3.gbr.hp.com-sd
  Address = micd3.gbr.hp.com                # here is your host name where
is your bacula-sd running.
  SDPort = 9103
  Password = "LZmffqI8xfbnpj5T88tB+r+tPTQI/9Z2FFPrLqrNxOl0"
  Device = LTO-6-1            # the same name you have in bacula-sd.conf
for Device Name (not Autochanger Name)
  Media Type = LTO-6
  Autochanger = yes


Autochanger {
  Name = LTO-6-Autochanger
  Device = LTO-6-1
  Changer Command = "/opt/bacula/bin/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
  Changer Device = /dev/sg0                  # supposing it is /dev/sg0
from your config: Changer Device = /dev/sg0

Device {
  Name = LTO-6-1
  Media Type = LTO-6
  Archive Device = /dev/nst0
  AutomaticMount = yes;
  AlwaysOpen = yes;
  RemovableMedia = yes;
  RandomAccess = no;
  Maximum File Size = 5GB
  AutoChanger = yes


On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Prout, Richard Alun <richard.pr...@hp.com>wrote:

>  Hi,
> I am extremely new to Bacula and have run into a problem that I don’t seem
> to be able fix.
> I have attached my *bacula-dir.conf*, *bacula–fd.conf* and my
> *bacula-sd.conf* files in the hope that someone out there can take a
> quick look and ensure that they all look OK.  Also attached are my
> *config.out* and my *config.log* from the install process.
> The error message I am seeing is when I run the *status storage* command
> from the *bconsole* prompt (the *).  I am following the ‘Running a Job’
> tutorial from the following
> http://www.bacula.org/5.2.x-manuals/en/main/main/Brief_Tutorial.html
> *show filesets* returns the expected output
> *status dir* returns expected output
> *status client* returns expected output
> *status storage* returns the following error
> *Automatically selected Storage: File*
> *Connecting to Storage daemon File at micd3.gbr.hp.com-sd:9103*
> *Failed to connect to Storage daemon File.*
> I tried to configure my bacula-dir.conf in the Storage entry with the
> following:
> *# Definition of file storage device*
> *Storage {*
> *  Name = LTO-6*
> *# Do not use "localhost" here*
> *  Address = micd3.gbr.hp.com-sd                # N.B. Use a fully
> qualified name*
> *here*
> *  SDPort = 9103*
> *  Password = "LZmffqI8xfbnpj5T88tB+r+tPTQI/9Z2FFPrLqrNxOl0"*
> *  Device = FileStorage*
> *  Media Type = LTO-6*
> To correspond with the device entry in my baculu-sd.conf:
> *Device {*
> *  Name = LTO-6*
> *  Media Type = LTO-6*
> *  Archive Device = /dev/nst0*
> *  AutomaticMount = yes;*
> *  AlwaysOpen = yes;*
> *  RemovableMedia = yes;*
> *  RandomAccess = no;*
> *  Maximum File Size = 5GB*
> *  Changer Command = "/opt/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"*
> *  Changer Device = /dev/sg0*
> *  AutoChanger = yes*
> *}*
> But if I don’t use *File* in the bacula-dir.conf file next to *Name* and 
> *Media
> Type* the Director daemons will not start.
> It looks as though there may be two different issues here.  It would be
> good to resolve the *status storage* issue and then move onto the
> *Director* daemon issue.
> I have followed the Installing Bacula guide from
> http://www.bacula.org/5.2.x-manuals/en/main/main/Installing_Bacula.html
> Everything compiled and installed correctly as far as I could see.
> *bconsole* starts and *bacula start* and *stop *works OK with the daemons
> (apart from when I change the name and the media type to correspond to my
> bacula-sd.conf file.  So I am relatively confident that bacula is installed
> correctly (although I would be more than happy if someone could prove me
> wrong and thus fix my issue).
> I am running RedHat 5 UP6 X86_64 and bacula-5.2.13, I have an LTO-6 and an
> MSL6480 library zoned into the server.  If I run the more /proc/scsi/scsi
> the operating system returns expected tape drive and robotics output.
> Hope someone out there in Bacula land has the time to help me out here as
> it would be much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Rich
> [image: HP_Blue_RGB_150_70px]
> Richard Prout
> Hewlett Packard Ltd
> Building 3
> Long Down Avenue
> Stoke Gifford
> Bristol BS34 8QZ
> United Kingdom
> 0117 3162580
> richard.pr...@hp.com
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