thanks Uwe, good hint. I run the repair on all tables and restore works like a
charm now!
thanks a lot,
> From: Uwe Schuerkamp <>
>To: Antony Mayi <>
>Cc: "" <>
>Sent: Monday, 14 January 2013, 12:45
>Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] restore performance
>On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 11:38:04AM +0000, Antony Mayi wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I seem to have major performance problem with the director/catalog when
>> trying restoration. Using MySQL, the catalog has about 200MB, mysql is using
>> innodb with large enough buffer pool to keep all data in memory. there is no
>> iowait. when I attempt to do a restore using bconsole I get:
>> <snippet>
>> Select FileSet resource (1-2): 2
>> +-------+-------+-----------+----------------+---------------------+----------------------------+
>> | JobId | Level | JobFiles | JobBytes | StartTime |
>> VolumeName |
>> +-------+-------+-----------+----------------+---------------------+----------------------------+
>> | 341 | F | 1,325,536 | 10,264,188,487 | 2013-01-06 23:32:14 |
>> Offsite-1212000-full.vol03 |
>> | 341 | F | 1,325,536 | 10,264,188,487 | 2013-01-06 23:32:14 |
>> Offsite-1301000-full.vol00 |
>> | 341 | F | 1,325,536 | 10,264,188,487 | 2013-01-06 23:32:14 |
>> Offsite-1301000-full.vol01 |
>> | 352 | I | 1,142 | 12,445,396 | 2013-01-07 23:42:58 |
>> Offsite-1212502-incr.vol00 |
>> | 363 | I | 1,127 | 12,098,952 | 2013-01-08 23:38:43 |
>> Offsite-1212503-incr.vol00 |
>> | 374 | I | 1,779 | 10,246,830 | 2013-01-09 23:44:54 |
>> Offsite-1212504-incr.vol00 |
>> | 385 | I | 1,520 | 16,334,830 | 2013-01-10 23:27:38 |
>> Offsite-1212494-incr.vol00 |
>> | 396 | I | 1,882 | 12,371,311 | 2013-01-11 23:27:28 |
>> Offsite-1212495-incr.vol00 |
>> +-------+-------+-----------+----------------+---------------------+----------------------------+
>> To select the JobIds, you have the following choices:
>> ...
>> 3: Enter list of comma separated JobIds to select
>> ...
>> Select item: (1-13): 3
>> Enter JobId(s), comma separated, to restore: 341
>> You have selected the following JobId: 341
>> Building directory tree for JobId(s) 341 ...
>> </snippet>
>> this "building directory tree" runs already 2 hours. mysql is taking 100%
>> CPU (on single core of 4 available - Intel Xeon 2.4GHz). it is running
>> following query:
>> SELECT Path.Path, Filename.Name, Temp.FileIndex, Temp.JobId, LStat, MD5 FROM
>> ( SELECT FileId, Job.JobId AS JobId, FileIndex, File.PathId AS PathId,
>> File.FilenameId AS FilenameId, LStat, MD5 FROM Job, File, ( SELECT
>> MAX(JobTDate) AS JobTDate, PathId, FilenameId FROM ( SELECT JobTDate,
>> PathId, FilenameId FROM File JOIN Job USING (JobId) WHERE File.JobId IN
>> (341) UNION ALL SELECT JobTDate, PathId, FilenameId FROM BaseFiles JOIN File
>> USING (FileId) JOIN Job ON (BaseJobId = Job.JobId) WHERE BaseFiles.JobId
>> IN (341) ) AS tmp GROUP BY PathId, FilenameId ) AS T1 WHERE (Job.JobId IN (
>> SELECT DISTINCT BaseJobId FROM BaseFiles WHERE JobId IN (341)) OR Job.JobId
>> IN (341)) AND T1.JobTDate = Job.JobTDate AND Job.JobId = File.JobId AND
>> T1.PathId = File.PathId AND T1.FilenameId = File.FilenameId ) AS Temp JOIN
>> Filename ON (Filename.FilenameId = Temp.FilenameId) JOIN Path ON
>> (Path.PathId = Temp.PathId) WHERE FileIndex > 0 ORDER BY Temp.JobId,
>> FileIndex ASC
>> what can I do to make the restore function useful (ie. working in reasonable
>> time)? I don't see many options in boosting the HW.
>> thanks,
>> Antony.
>Have you tried "repair table File" and checked for broken indices &
>the like?
>All the best, Uwe
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