Hi guys,

I seem to have major performance problem with the director/catalog when trying 
restoration. Using MySQL, the catalog has about 200MB, mysql is using innodb 
with large enough buffer pool to keep all data in memory. there is no iowait. 
when I attempt to do a restore using bconsole I get:

Select FileSet resource (1-2): 2
| JobId | Level | JobFiles  | JobBytes       | StartTime           | VolumeName 
|   341 | F     | 1,325,536 | 10,264,188,487 | 2013-01-06 23:32:14 | 
Offsite-1212000-full.vol03 |
|   341 | F     | 1,325,536 | 10,264,188,487 | 2013-01-06 23:32:14 | 
Offsite-1301000-full.vol00 |
|   341 | F     | 1,325,536 | 10,264,188,487 | 2013-01-06 23:32:14 | 
Offsite-1301000-full.vol01 |
|   352 | I     |     1,142 |     12,445,396 | 2013-01-07 23:42:58 | 
Offsite-1212502-incr.vol00 |
|   363 | I     |     1,127 |     12,098,952 | 2013-01-08 23:38:43 | 
Offsite-1212503-incr.vol00 |
|   374 | I     |     1,779 |     10,246,830 | 2013-01-09 23:44:54 | 
Offsite-1212504-incr.vol00 |
|   385 | I     |     1,520 |     16,334,830 | 2013-01-10 23:27:38 | 
Offsite-1212494-incr.vol00 |
|   396 | I     |     1,882 |     12,371,311 | 2013-01-11 23:27:28 | 
Offsite-1212495-incr.vol00 |
To select the JobIds, you have the following choices:
     3: Enter list of comma separated JobIds to select
Select item:  (1-13): 3

Enter JobId(s), comma separated, to restore: 341
You have selected the following JobId: 341

Building directory tree for JobId(s) 341 ...  


this "building directory tree" runs already 2 hours. mysql is taking 100% CPU 
(on single core of 4 available - Intel Xeon 2.4GHz). it is running following 

SELECT Path.Path, Filename.Name, Temp.FileIndex, Temp.JobId, LStat, MD5 FROM ( 
SELECT FileId, Job.JobId AS JobId, FileIndex, File.PathId AS PathId, 
File.FilenameId AS FilenameId, LStat, MD5 FROM Job, File, ( SELECT 
MAX(JobTDate) AS JobTDate, PathId, FilenameId FROM ( SELECT JobTDate, PathId, 
FilenameId FROM File JOIN Job USING (JobId) WHERE File.JobId IN (341) UNION ALL 
SELECT JobTDate, PathId, FilenameId FROM BaseFiles JOIN File USING (FileId) 
JOIN Job  ON    (BaseJobId = Job.JobId) WHERE BaseFiles.JobId IN (341) ) AS tmp 
BaseJobId FROM BaseFiles WHERE JobId IN (341)) OR Job.JobId IN (341)) AND 
T1.JobTDate = Job.JobTDate AND Job.JobId = File.JobId AND T1.PathId = 
File.PathId AND T1.FilenameId = File.FilenameId ) AS Temp JOIN Filename ON 
(Filename.FilenameId = Temp.FilenameId) JOIN Path ON (Path.PathId = 
Temp.PathId) WHERE FileIndex > 0 ORDER BY Temp.JobId, FileIndex ASC

what can I do to make the restore function useful (ie. working in reasonable 
time)? I don't see many options in boosting the HW.

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