On 5/31/2011 8:50 AM, Mauro Colorio wrote:
>> I actually don't think it's a BUG, when you put your tapes on the Scratch
>> Pool using  "label barcodes", the volumes will inherit any configuration on
>> that pool, and only if that volume gets cycled to the Daily Pool
>> automatically by Bacula using the "Scratch Pool = Scratch" parameter I told
>> you about before is when these parameters from the Daily Pool are set on the
>> Volume...
> For my management I label volumes with barcode like DAY001L4 DAY002L4
> WEK001L4 and  so on
> while there is not a way to bring a volume from the Scratch pool by
> label mask (for example DAY*)
> I've to move them manually, and I think that when you move a volume to
> a pool (even manually)
> you *want* that the volume inherit configuration from the new Pool and
> not to keep old values,
> at least this is my opinion,
> otherwise which sense has to set this params in the Pool configuration
> and not on the Volume directly?

Or you can define multiple scratch pools in bacula-dir. For example, 
pool Week could use volumes from the default Scratch pool and pool Day 
could use volumes from an additional scratch pool named Day_Scratch. :

pool {
   Name = "Scratch"
   Pool Type = Backup
   Recycle = yes
   RecyclePool = Scratch

pool {
   Name = "Day_Scratch"
   Pool Type = Backup
   Recycle = yes
   RecyclePool = Day_Scratch

pool {
   Name = "Week"
   Pool Type = Backup
   Recycle = yes
   AutoPrune = yes
   ScratchPool = Scratch

pool {
   Name = "Day"
   Pool Type = Backup
   Recycle = yes
   AutoPrune = yes
   ScratchPool = "Day_Scratch"

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