> I actually don't think it's a BUG, when you put your tapes on the Scratch
> Pool using  "label barcodes", the volumes will inherit any configuration on
> that pool, and only if that volume gets cycled to the Daily Pool
> automatically by Bacula using the "Scratch Pool = Scratch" parameter I told
> you about before is when these parameters from the Daily Pool are set on the
> Volume...

For my management I label volumes with barcode like DAY001L4 DAY002L4
WEK001L4 and  so on
while there is not a way to bring a volume from the Scratch pool by
label mask (for example DAY*)
I've to move them manually, and I think that when you move a volume to
a pool (even manually)
you *want* that the volume inherit configuration from the new Pool and
not to keep old values,
at least this is my opinion,
otherwise which sense has to set this params in the Pool configuration
and not on the Volume directly?


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