Please, do not forget to reply to the list also, not only directly to me...
I actually don't think it's a BUG, when you put your tapes on the Scratch
Pool using "label barcodes", the volumes will inherit any configuration on
that pool, and only if that volume gets cycled to the Daily Pool
automatically by Bacula using the "Scratch Pool = Scratch" parameter I told
you about before is when these parameters from the Daily Pool are set on the
Try doing that, I really recommended it...
2011/5/30 Mauro Colorio <>
> > How do you move the tapes from Scratch to the Daily Pool? You're supposed
> to
> > have a "Scratch Pool = Scratch" entry on your Daily Pool so Bacula gets
> the
> > tape automatically from the Scratch Pool when running the Jobs...
> with the update command, or for example with webacula, I've defined
> the scratch volume but I don't use really it,
> I'm using something like a GFS schedule and I put 5 volumes in the
> Daily pool 2 volumes in the weekly and so on..
> but when I add a new volume I use the label barcode command putting it
> into the Scratch pool, I discovered
> that when I move the volume, it keeps the Volume Use Duration value of
> the original pool, I think this is a bug
> ciao
> Mauro
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