yes the tape drive has a barcode scanner. i tried the 'update slots' message
and i got the following error:
Automatically selected Storage: PV-122T
Connecting to Storage daemon PV-122T at localhost:9103 ...
3306 Issuing autochanger "slots" command.
Device "PV-122T" has 0 slots.
No slots in changer to scan.
I get this error if there is a tape in the drive, or if they are all in
their slots.
> I assume you have a barcode reader on your archive and you also have
> barcode lables on your tapes. In this case you should never label your
> tapes directly. You normally issue the
> update slots
> command after adding tapes and the aotochanger is done scanning the labels.
> Then after that completes issue
> label barcodes
> command in bconsole and put all tapes into the Scratch pool. Do not
> worry about already labeled tapes being in the list. Bacula will only
> grab and label the tapes that are in the changer that are not in the
> bacula database.
> After this completes and bacula needs a tape it will grab it from the
> Scratch pool and move it into the current pool.
> John
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