I know I sent this to the mailing list and please forgive me for trying
again but I am really at a loss of what my next step needs to be to get
backup working.


A bit on my setup. I am running Debian 6 with a Dell Powervault 122T. I
can load tapes, and mount the tapes but when I tr y to run a bacup from
bconsole I get the following errors when I do a 'messages'.


KITSrv01-sd JobId 9: Fatal error: Device reservation failed for JobId=9:
KITSrv01-dir JobId 9: Fatal error:
     Storage daemon didn't accept Device "PV-122T-1" because:
     3924 Device "PV-122T-1" not in SD Device resources.


In my bacla-sd.conf I have the following which shows the device name:
PV-122T-1 and -2


Autochanger {

Name = PV-122T

Device = PV-122T-1, PV-122T-2

Changer Command = "/usr/local/bacula/etc/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"

Changer Device = /dev/sg5


Device {

Name = PV-122T-1

Drive Index = 0

Media Type = LTO-2

Archive Device = /dev/nst0

AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it

AlwaysOpen = yes;

RemovableMedia = yes;

RandomAccess = no;

AutoChanger = yes


Device {

Name = PV-122T-2

Drive Index = 1

Media Type = LTO-2

Archive Device = /dev/nst0

AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it

AlwaysOpen = yes;

RemovableMedia = yes;

RandomAccess = no;

AutoChanger = yes


In bacla-dir.conf I have the following:



JobDefs {


  Name = "DefaultJob"

  Type = Backup

  Level = Incremental

  Client = KITSrv01-fd

  FileSet = "Full Set"

  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"

#  Storage = File

  Storage = PV-122T-1

  Messages = Standard

  Pool = File

  Priority = 10

  Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/%c.bsr"

My full configs can be seen here: http://www.pastebin.ca/2046880









Hi Robert,


It looks like your Storage resource in your bacula-dir.conf isn't set up
correctly.  You have it pointing to a Device, where it should be
pointing to the Autochanger.  You also mistyped your Media Type as
"VTO-2" instead of "LTO-2".


Try these changes and let us know if you get different results:




JobDefs {


Name = "DefaultJob"

Storage = PV-122T




Storage {


  Name = PV-122T

  Device = PV-122T

  Media Type = LTO-2






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