
On Wed, 13 Apr 2011, Pablo Marques wrote:

> I guess I could modify bacula-sd an add/remove a file device per client
> as needed. I am not sure if I can "reload" bacula-sd.conf without
> interrupting running backups.

My understanding is that you need a restart, which is likely to kill any
running backups.

> When I add a client I have a "template" client definition with all per client 
> definitions that I need:
> I replace $CLIENT_NAME $IP_ADDRESS $PORT and generate a new file and then I 
> do a "reload" on bconsole, and the client is ready to go. 
> The clients, in my application, decide the backup schedule, and they run it 
> from their bconsole client.
> Each client can only run or restore its own backups. 

I do something similar actually, but it's not quite as big or dynamic so I
manually modify the bacula-sd and don't generally have to worry about
backups that are running at the time I restart the bacula-sd.

This might seem (or be) crazy, but in principal you could run a bacula-sd
for each client with its own bacula-sd instance running on a particular
ip:port.  That would avoid the issue of restarting bacula-sd.

Of course it might be possible to signal bacula-sd to re-read its config,
which would be much simpler :-)


Gavin McCullagh
Senior System Administrator
IT Services
Griffith College 
South Circular Road
Dublin 8
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