On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 5:00 AM, Laurent HENRY <laurent.he...@ehess.fr> wrote:
> Le Tuesday 15 March 2011 13:40:10 John Drescher, vous avez écrit :
>> > Fine, i understand it now. Is there a way to just spool attributes and
>> > not backuped files themselwes ?
>> SpoolAttributes=yes in the Job resource.
>> http://www.bacula.org/5.0.x-manuals/en/main/main/Configuring_Director.html#
> Thank you.
> I let bacula a few days with attribute spooling.
> Things are not really different but it is a nice feature anyway.
> I am still not beyond 100Mb/s on my 1Gb/s network.
> Did someone tried to tweak some network parameters (On linux Debian) ?
> I think about Jumbo frames, but because it is a vlan-wide parameter and bacula
> is not the same on this network, it is a little complicated to deploy.

I am not using Jumbo frames on my gigabit network and I get 20 to 50
MB (mega bytes) /s per LTO2 tape drive.
This is on 64 bit gentoo to a 2 processor 2GHz Opteron system with 4
GB of ram that was purchased in 2004. However my director is on a
second 2 processor 2GHz Opteron system and my 30 GB database is on yet
another machine.


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