Le Wednesday 09 March 2011 16:28:52, vous avez écrit :
> > I tried to enable spooling (500 Gb spool) for the tape backup. The perf
> > were worse.
> BTW, I use 5GB spool.
> I assume then you do not run concurrent jobs? For a single job the
> time will be longer because bacula does not concurrently spool and
> despool but with concurrent jobs and spooling with a few GB spool size
> bacula will maximize the performance of the tape drive when spooling
> is enabled. I get despool rates of 20 to 50MB/s for LTO2 which is
> about what the tape drive can handle. The rates vary because of
> compression.

Yes, i use just one job at a time.

> > For disk backup, it seems to me spooling does not make sense.
> Attribute spooling makes sense for either though.

Attribute spooling ?

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