On Wed, 2011-02-02 at 10:34 -0500, John Drescher wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 10:18 AM, Kenneth Johansson <kenn...@southpole.se> 
> wrote:
> > On Fri, 2011-01-28 at 12:06 +0100, J. Echter wrote:
> >> Am 27.01.2011 15:40, schrieb Kenneth Johansson:
> >> > Is there any way to have a sane setup with disks ?? anyone ??
> >
> >> you could add a pool for every disk and tell bacula which pool it has to
> >> use on each day. You can tell bacula which pool to use via schedule for
> >> example.
> >
> > hmm yes but still it's not very efficient use of disk space. I'm going
> > to solve my problem by using lvm and doing a raid0 of all the disks. I
> > do have a rather low upper limit of storage usage that will mean I will
> > only have a handfull of disks anyway.
> >
> > But I do think there is something missing in bacula to handle backing up
> > to disk with more than one disk.
> >
> > I guess it's possible to get the autoloader script to work in some way
> > but it's not entirely clear to me how to do it.
> >
> You are using raid 0 and LVM for your bacula store? I would never ever
> do that. I even caution about using a single raid 5/6 for that. How
> about individual disks and the bacula virtual disk changer. Make each
> physical disk a virtual magazine.
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/vchanger/
> John

That was useful I have not had the time to do any testing but I do see a
few issues. What if the disks is of different size ??

The numbers of slots (there is one volume per slot) is globally defined.
so a 2T disk and a 1T disk is getting the same amount. The volume size
is then specified in the pool or storage config and they can't
differentiate the two different sized disks. 

So you can not have different sized disks or am I reading it wrong?

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