> [1] Even RAID5/RAID6 has weaknesses.  If you're interested, do a
> for "RAID5 write hole".

A sequential streaming disk write is one case where the write hole
really isn't going to be a major problem. In the event of a power or
hardware failure at a critical time the worst case is that the whole
volume you are modifying could be corrupt if a metadata update is being
done. If you are appending to a volume with history beyond the current
backup then you might consider that a problem but if you are using one
volume per job then I think you are pretty safe, although you might want
to spend a bit of time on your choice of filesystem.

Using RAID5 without battery backed cache for anything like a database is
probably very unwise though. I don't use RAID5/6 for anything these days
if I can help it.


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