On Fri, 2011-01-28 at 12:06 +0100, J. Echter wrote:
> Am 27.01.2011 15:40, schrieb Kenneth Johansson:
> > Is there any way to have a sane setup with disks ?? anyone ??

> you could add a pool for every disk and tell bacula which pool it has to 
> use on each day. You can tell bacula which pool to use via schedule for 
> example.

hmm yes but still it's not very efficient use of disk space. I'm going
to solve my problem by using lvm and doing a raid0 of all the disks. I
do have a rather low upper limit of storage usage that will mean I will
only have a handfull of disks anyway. 

But I do think there is something missing in bacula to handle backing up
to disk with more than one disk. 

I guess it's possible to get the autoloader script to work in some way
but it's not entirely clear to me how to do it.

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