On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 13:15, Phil Stracchino <ala...@metrocast.net> wrote:
> Blake,
> By all means post it, and you might want to consider submitting it as a
> contributed support script.
Script to automatically start VirtualFulls based on Full Backup Age
attached, currently set up to have some hardcoding in the script, but easily
changeable. Designed to be run from crontab piped to mail program if any
Assumes a fairly simple backup structure, but easily customizable.
Originally designed for our use, which consisted of age based backup
schedule, each night set to incremental, with max diff age of a week, and
max full age set about 2 weeks longer than the age set in the vmon script.
Script looks at the last x days of incrementals (so as to not have to read
configs etc), and the most recent full backup for each job, and orders them
from oldest to newest. The top x jobs with fulls older than x days have
vfull backups spawned via console.
Reason for this design was so that we would have staggered backups, so as
not to overload backup server, as well as to maintain under backup window.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use DBI;
my $allowed = 3;
my $fullinterval = 90;
my $scaninterval = "3 DAY";
my $spool = "no";
my $priority = 7;
my $debug = 0;
my $exit = 0;
my %jobs;
my $batch = 0;
my @validjobs;
my @jobstorun;
my @jobstocheck;
my $Row;
print "Debug: $debug\n" if $debug;
print "Allowed: $allowed\n" if $debug;
print "Interval: $fullinterval\n" if $debug;
print "Batch: $batch\n" if $debug;
my $username = 'bacula';my $password = 'back...@n';my $database = 'bacula';my
$hostname = 'localhost'; my $port = 3306;
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:database=$database;" .
"host=$hostname;port=$port", $username, $password);
die "Unable to connect to Database" unless $dbh;
#Get list of recent successful Incremental jobs
my $SQL="select Distinct(Name) as Name from Job WHERE Level IN ('I', 'D') AND
JobStatus = 'T' AND StartTime > DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL $scaninterval)";
my $Select = $dbh->prepare($SQL);
die "Unable to run query" unless $Select;
my $rv = $Select->rows;
if ($rv > 0) {
print "The following incrementals were found:\n" if $debug>1;
$jobs{ $Row->{'Name'} }{'Active'} = 1;
print " $Row->{'Name'}\n" if $debug>1;
} else {
die "Somethings wrong, no successful Incremental jobs returned!\n";
#Get list of last successful full backup for each Job
$SQL="select Max(JobId) as JobId, Name, DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), Max(StartTime)) as
Age from Job WHERE Level = 'F' AND JobStatus = 'T' GROUP BY Name";
$Select = $dbh->prepare($SQL);
die "Unable to run query" unless $Select;
$rv = $Select->rows;
if ($rv > 0) {
#Attach the last successful full backup to each job
if ($jobs{ $Row->{'Name'} }{'Active'} eq 1) {
$jobs{ $Row->{'Name'} }{'Age'} = $Row->{'Age'};
$jobs{ $Row->{'Name'} }{'JobId'} = $Row->{'JobId'};
} else {
die "Somethings wrong, no successful Full jobs returned!\n";
my @joblist = (sort { $jobs{$b}{'Age'} <=> $jobs{$a}{'Age'} } @validjobs);
if (scalar(@joblist) > 0) {
print "The following Fulls were found that match:\n" if $debug>1;
print " Age ID Name\n" if $debug>1;
foreach my $jobtocheck (@joblist) {
print " $jobs{$jobtocheck}{'Age'}
$jobs{$jobtocheck}{'JobId'} $jobtocheck\n" if $debug>1;
if ($jobs{$jobtocheck}{'Age'} > $fullinterval &&
scalar(@jobstorun) < $allowed) {
if (scalar(@jobstorun) > 0) {
print "Running the following virtual full jobs today:\n";
foreach my $jobtocheck (@jobstorun) {
print " $jobs{$jobtocheck}{'Age'} $jobtocheck\n";
my $test = `/sbin/bconsole -c /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf <<EOF
run job=$jobtocheck level=VirtualFull SpoolData=$spool priority=$priority yes
EOF` unless $debug;
$exit = 1 if $batch;
exit $exit;
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