On Thu, Jan 06, 2011 at 12:48:18PM -0500, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> On 01/06/11 12:16, Graham Keeling wrote:
> > With my configuration, a VirtualFull sometimes prevents an Incremental from
> > running, because the VirtualFull took too long (or vice versa). I have not 
> > been
> > able to solve this, because every idea that I've come up with either doesn't
> > work or makes something else happen that is worse.
> Suggestion:
> Schedule the day's Incremental, then schedule the VirtualFull, say, 30
> minutes later.
> Put a RunBeforeJob script on the incremental that creates a lockfile (in
> a properly race-safe manner, of course) for the client.
> Put a RunAfterJob script on the incremental that removes the lockfile.
> Put a RunBeforeJob script on the VirtualFull job that checks for
> presence of the client's lockfile, and, if it finds it still present,
> sleeps for five minutes before checking again, and does not return until
> the lockfile has been gone for two consecutive checks (thus making
> certain there is a minimum of five minutes for attribute metadata from
> the job to be flushed).

Thanks for the suggestion.

It seems like a lot of hard work though (3 scripts for each different operating
system that needs to be backed up) when it feels as if this is something
that bacula should be able to deal with globally.

I find "Mr IT Guru's" idea of chaining a VirtualFull onto the end of a
particular Incremental more appealing. Can you think of a way of doing that?

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