I have next backup strategy:
1) 3 pools: DayPool, WeekPool, MonthPool. In DayPool I have 4 volumes
(tapes) for monday-thuesday, in WeekPool I have 3 volumes (tapes) for each
week in a month and 12 volumes for MonthPool. Each Pool has its volume
retention - for example for DayPool is 6 days and 4 hour, for WeekPool is 27
2) One Storage
3) Same clients
4) One Job - Full Backup - for each client.
5) One Shedule:
Schedule {
Name = "DWM Cycle"
Run = Level=Full Pool=DayPool mot-thu at 20:00
Run = Level=Full Pool=WeekPool 1st-3rd fri at 20:00
Run = Level=Full Pool=MonthPool 4th fri at 20:00

The Problem - I can't set Job Retention and File Retention for concrete Job
or concrete Pool.
Job Retention and Files Retention can be set only in Pool and Client
resource, but it purge all jobs and files from other pools too. I did it
with different values. If Job Retention and Files Retention were smaller
than Volume Retention Bacula purged Jobs and I have empty volume whithout
any data in Veiw and Restore Browser. If Job Retention and Files Retention
were bigger then Volume Retention I could see Jobs, which wasnt in reality
because they was purged by volume retention and rewrited. In my case if I
set Job Retention and Files Retention as Volume Retention for DayPool it
will all rigth for day's backup, bat I will have emtpy WeekPool's and Month
volumes and If I set Joob Retention and Files Retention as Volume Retention
of WeekPool I wiil have dead jobs present in Browsers.

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