Hello Bacula Users,

I would like to announce on this list the development of a new graphical 
user interface for Bacula.

This interface is primarily intended for Bacula users (as opposed to 
administrators). Users will be able to easily manage hosts, filesets and 
schedules, and from these different elements, manage jobs. Job 
management includes viewing information of jobs completed, viewing files 
backuped, running jobs manually, restoring files from backups, removing 
catalog infos and volumes for a job.

Actually, backups are made on disk, one backup per file. The system 
being multi-user, backup files are stored in different directories on 
disk, one directory per user.

The software is web-based. An online production version is available at 
http://www.web-bat.com. Creation of a free account is possible, with a 
limited amount of disk space.

The sources are available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/web-bat/

I've not tested the installation of this system on an existing Bacula 
database. So please test it with a new and empty database. I've forgot 
to mention that the system requires a PostgreSQL-based Bacula installation.

Any comments are welcome.

Philippe Martin

Bacula-users mailing list

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