Does anybody have any ideas? It's very big disadvantage of Bacula - one Job and Files Retention Period for all this jobs and files on all pools. It's impossible to build backup strategy by level: Day's backups on volumes of DayPool, Week's backups on volumes of WeekPool ...
Vlad23 wrote: > > I have next backup strategy: > 1) 3 pools: DayPool, WeekPool, MonthPool. In DayPool I have 4 volumes > (tapes) for monday-thuesday, in WeekPool I have 3 volumes (tapes) for each > week in a month and 12 volumes for MonthPool. Each Pool has its volume > retention - for example for DayPool is 6 days and 4 hour, for WeekPool is > 27 days. > 2) One Storage > 3) Same clients > 4) One Job - Full Backup - for each client. > 5) One Shedule: > Schedule { > Name = "DWM Cycle" > Run = Level=Full Pool=DayPool mot-thu at 20:00 > Run = Level=Full Pool=WeekPool 1st-3rd fri at 20:00 > Run = Level=Full Pool=MonthPool 4th fri at 20:00 > } > > The Problem - I can't set Job Retention and File Retention for concrete > Job or concrete Pool. > Job Retention and Files Retention can be set only in Pool and Client > resource, but it purge all jobs and files from other pools too. I did it > with different values. If Job Retention and Files Retention were smaller > than Volume Retention Bacula purged Jobs and I have empty volume whithout > any data in Veiw and Restore Browser. If Job Retention and Files Retention > were bigger then Volume Retention I could see Jobs, which wasnt in reality > because they was purged by volume retention and rewrited. In my case if I > set Job Retention and Files Retention as Volume Retention for DayPool it > will all rigth for day's backup, bat I will have emtpy WeekPool's and > Month volumes and If I set Joob Retention and Files Retention as Volume > Retention of WeekPool I wiil have dead jobs present in Browsers. > > -- View this message in context: Sent from the Bacula - Users mailing list archive at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _______________________________________________ Bacula-users mailing list