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Jeff Kalchik wrote:
> I'll play Devil's Advocate...
> <snip>
>>> Mailing lists are okay, but they do not provide some of the options and
>>> benefits of forums. Forums would also provide easier support access to
>>> younger folks (such as myself :P).
>> I don't see how a forum would be any easier than E-mail. In my experience,
>> it's the other way round. Whenever I have to use a forum for support it
>> tends to be much more time consuming than simple E-mail.
> One major advantage to forums over email is that if I can connect to the
> forum, I've got a complete trail.  Not necessarily with email.

I read my e-mail in a threaded view, so I have the complete trail if
I've chosen to keep it. This is why people who thread hijack irritate me
(and possibly folks like me) more than some others. They don't realize
that changing the subject line and deleting the message text is not the
same as composing a new e-mail.

At any rate, threaded view provides nearly the same thing without
requiring me to go to another website somewhere (which I don't, at least
not while I'm working).

>>> I'm not suggesting the removal of mailing lists in favor of forums, I'm
>>> merely suggesting the forums should be added to the main site, mainly in
>>> order to get support.
>> That would exacerbate the manpower problem. How many mailing list
>> participants will find the time to frequent a forum in addition? And if
>> none of the mailing list participants frequent the forum, who will provide
>> support there? I see the danger of fragmenting the Bacula user community
>> into "old hands" on the mailing list and "younger folks" on the forums.
>> Crosslinking the two isn't a viable solution either, as demonstrated by
>> the Opensuse mailing lists whose usability has suffered seriously after
>> the merge with the previously separate Opensuse forums.
> This one I'd agree with.  One or the other, but not both.  Cross
> populating would be difficult at best.

Though it is done on a quasi regular basis. I think there are some
aggregators out there that actually take THIS mailing list and import
the stuff into a forum interface. I wonder if that isn't the best of
both worlds? I don't go looking for that kind of stuff, so no I don't
know the address, but it seems to me I've stumbled across it in the past.

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 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer II
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