Dan Langille schrieb:
On Mon, February 4, 2008 7:28 am, Marco Mandl wrote:
Hi all,

I still have not found a reliable solution.

Let summarize again what I want tho achieve:
- 3 generations backup on USB disk
- change the USB disk from time to time

So I defined the 3 pools for each generation and labeled the a separated
of media on 2 disks:
disk1: d1foof1, d1foof2, d1food1, d1food2, d1food3, d1food4, d1fooi1,
disk2: d2foof1, d2foof2, d2food1, d2food2, d2food3, d2food4, d2fooi1,

Each disk works fine for itself. But if I swap the disks bacule creates
volumes of the removed disk for the next backups.

The file device is defined with removeable-media=yes. I tried "update

I do not want to disable and enable all volumes one by one manually. How
could I do it in a bunch? Is there an example of a script?

But most propably it is simply a question of configuration. Please give me

It would be perfect if after a disk change bacula would use the media
available on the new disk and start with a full backup.

I suggest a simple approach.

Use local HDD as your primary backup storage.  Use USB only as a backup of
your backup. Do not backup directory to USB.  Backup to local HDD, then
use a tool such as rsync to duplicate your backups onto the USB drives.

Under normal situations, always use the local HDD for backups and
restores.  Use the USB for restores *only* if your local HDD has serious

Suggestion: use RAID-1 on the local HDD.


Thank you for your suggestion. But I can't do it that way. I don't have enough space on local disks for multi generation backups. I have two usb disk to backup two sites. And I swap them from time to time. That is simple and cheap.


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