Hi all,

I still have not found a reliable solution.

Let summarize again what I want tho achieve:
- 3 generations backup on USB disk
- change the USB disk from time to time

So I defined the 3 pools for each generation and labeled the a separated set
of media on 2 disks:
disk1: d1foof1, d1foof2, d1food1, d1food2, d1food3, d1food4, d1fooi1,
disk2: d2foof1, d2foof2, d2food1, d2food2, d2food3, d2food4, d2fooi1,

Each disk works fine for itself. But if I swap the disks bacule creates the
volumes of the removed disk for the next backups.

The file device is defined with removeable-media=yes. I tried "update pool".

I do not want to disable and enable all volumes one by one manually. How
could I do it in a bunch? Is there an example of a script?

But most propably it is simply a question of configuration. Please give me a

It would be perfect if after a disk change bacula would use the media
available on the new disk and start with a full backup.


Arno Lehmann wrote:
> Hi,
> On 1/2/2007 6:19 PM, Marco Mandl wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have setup bacula to make 3 generation backups to an USB disk. Now I
>> want to extend it with the possibility to swap this disk to always have
>> on
>> stored remote.
>> To give you some background, actually I make backups of two machines to a
>> corresponding local USB disk. I think of swapping these USB disks from
>> time to time to have remote backups of both machines. The backup data
>> should be on different encrypted partitions.
> No problems there, I think.
>> I see the following problem. Each instance of bacula has its own database
>> about pools and media. Changing the files which represent these
>> backup media by swapping the whole disk does not change baculas
>> information.
> Which is why, for tapes in autochangers, there is the "update slots" 
> command.
> In other words, Bacula can handle such a situation.
>> So bacula may e.g. reuse that media which may actually be the
>> newest on that disk or append to a media which was used months ago.
> You let Bacula handle all the volumes, simply and the catalog will have 
> data about all media, the ones available and the ones not available 
> currently.
>> I see two approaches:
>> 1. Have a batch job recognize the change and have bacula import the
>> physical media and their states. Problem: I have no idea how I can
>> achieve
>> that.
> Rather simple, and that's what i'd do with 1.38 and below:
> Set all volumes of state "Used", "Recycled", "Purged" or "Append" in the 
> catalog to a state of "Disabled" when removing a disk. Keep the old 
> volume state on that disk.
> When re-connecting such a disk, undo these changes. Should be possible 
> to do this by script, triggered by plugging in th disk, managed by HAL 
> or udev or whatever you use.
>> 2. Just configure bacula to have its database on the USB disk, too. Does
>> that work? Can I just swap the disks with database of a running
>> bacula-director on it and after restarting bacula-director it will work
>> on
>> as expected?
> That might work, but you will never have information about backups on 
> the other media. I would not suggest such a setup.
>> I hope I could interest you for that challenge and would very much
>> appreciate any hint.
> The solution might be to upgrade to the upcoming version. AFAIK there's 
> improved support for removable hard disks implemented - just what you
> need.
> You'll have to read the ReleaseNotes and the manual carefully, because 
> the upgrade process itself requires a catalog upgrade (easily done, 
> usually) and the new functions are yet unknown to me.
> Arno
>> Thanks,
>> Marco
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> IT-Service Lehmann                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Arno Lehmann                  http://www.its-lehmann.de
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