Dan Langille schrieb:
On Mon, February 4, 2008 3:20 pm, Marco Mandl wrote:
Thank you for your suggestion. But I can't do it that way. I don't have
enough space on local disks for multi generation backups. I have two
usb disk to backup two sites. And I swap them from time to time. That
is simple and cheap.<br>
We differ in opinion in that it is simple and cheap. It seems rather
complex to have multiple pools and having to ensure that the right HDD is
there at the right time.
HDD is relatively cheap compared to labour and the cost of an error. But
I've been there, and not been able to afford the gear I needed to do a
better job.
It would be very simple if bacula would recognize which volumes are
available on the disk. And I though this would be what the removable
media option does. But it does not work with my configuration. So maybe
there something else to configure.
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