Hi Josh,

I have upgraded to bacula 2.2.5 and I'm still having the same problems.

It seems like drive-1 in the vchanger is never used. Have you ever seen it
used, and if so, what kind of configuration do I need; I followed the
instruction in the HowTo document (Rev 0.7.4 2006-12-12). I tried many
configurations but I still can't get it to run more than one job. If I start
a second job it will fail.

What I'm trying to accomplish is the following: I created an LVM disk using
2x500GB disks. I created a vchanger with 2 virtual disks to backup to the
LVM. Originally I created the vchangers with multiple 500GB disks, but I
changed to use the LVM; that setup didn't work either. Even with one
vchanger per 500GB disk, I still couldn't start more than one job at a time.
I can the relevant parts of my conf files if that helps.

I would like to run concurrent jobs to backup to different volumes on the
LVM disk. Bacula doesn't seem to be able to do that. Every time I start more
than one job, each one after the first fails.

Here is a sample console output illustrating this problem:

A job name must be specified.
The defined Job resources are:
     1: RestoreFiles
     2: BackupCatalog
Select Job resource (1-122): 99
Run Backup job
JobName:  Redmail-FS
Level:    Incremental
Client:   redmail-fd
FileSet:  Redmail root dev dev-shm impulse
Pool:     BLV01Pool13 (From Job resource)
Storage:  BLV01S (From Job resource)
When:     2007-11-06 15:29:08
Priority: 10
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
Job queued. JobId=13736
06-Nov 15:29 coal-dir JobId 13736: Start Backup JobId 13736,
06-Nov 15:29 coal-dir JobId 13736: Using Volume "BLV01m01s006" from
'Scratch' pool.
06-Nov 15:29 coal-dir JobId 13736: Using Device "BLV01-drive-0"
06-Nov 15:29 redmail-fd: DIR and FD clocks differ by 18 seconds, FD
automatically adjusting.
06-Nov 15:29 coal-sd JobId 13736: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0"
06-Nov 15:29 coal-sd JobId 13736: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result
is Slot 5.
06-Nov 15:29 coal-sd JobId 13736: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 5,
drive 0" command.
06-Nov 15:29 coal-sd JobId 13736: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 6,
drive 0" command.
06-Nov 15:29 coal-sd JobId 13736: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 6, drive 0",
status is OK.
06-Nov 15:29 coal-sd JobId 13736: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0"
06-Nov 15:29 coal-sd JobId 13736: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result
is Slot 6.
06-Nov 15:29 coal-sd JobId 13736: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume
"BLV01m01s006" on device "BLV01-drive-0"
06-Nov 15:29 coal-dir JobId 13736: Max Volume jobs exceeded. Marking Volume
"BLV01m01s006" as Used.
redmail-fd:      /sys is a different filesystem. Will not descend from /
into /sys
A job name must be specified.
The defined Job resources are:
     1: RestoreFiles
     2: BackupCatalog

Select Job resource (1-122): 59
Run Backup job
JobName:  Linux2-Test1
Level:    Incremental
Client:   linux2-fd
FileSet:  Test Set
Pool:     BLV01Pool13 (From Job resource)
Storage:  BLV01S (From Job resource)
When:     2007-11-06 15:29:31
Priority: 10
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
Job queued. JobId=1373*mes
06-Nov 15:29 coal-dir JobId 13737: Start Backup JobId 13737,
06-Nov 15:29 coal-dir JobId 13737: There are no more Jobs associated with
Volume "BLV01m01s006". Marking it purged.
06-Nov 15:29 coal-dir JobId 13737: All records pruned from Volume
"BLV01m01s006"; marking it "Purged"
06-Nov 15:29 coal-dir JobId 13737: Recycled volume "BLV01m01s006"
06-Nov 15:29 coal-dir JobId 13737: Using Device "BLV01-drive-0"
06-Nov 15:29 coal-sd JobId 13737: Fatal error: Cannot recycle volume
"BLV01m01s006" on device "BLV01-drive-0"
(/var/lib/bacula/vchanger/BLV01/drive0) because it is in use by another job.
06-Nov 15:29 linux1-fd: Linux2-Test1.2007-11-06_15.29.20 Fatal error:
job.c:1752 Bad response to Append Data command. Wanted 3000 OK data
, got 3903 Error append data

06-Nov 15:29 coal-dir JobId 13737: Error: Bacula coal-dir 2.2.5 (09Oct07):
06-Nov-2007 15:29:36
  Build OS:               i686-pc-linux-gnu gentoo 1.12.6
  JobId:                  13737
  Job:                    Linux2-Test1.2007-11-06_15.29.20
  Backup Level:           Incremental, since=2007-11-06 12:22:01
  Client:                 "linux2-fd" 2.0.1 (12Jan07)
  FileSet:                "Test Set" 2007-10-22 13:46:08
  Pool:                   "BLV01Pool13" (From Job resource)
  Storage:                "BLV01S" (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time:         06-Nov-2007 15:29:31
  Start time:             06-Nov-2007 15:29:36
  End time:               06-Nov-2007 15:29:36
  Elapsed time:           0 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       0
  SD Files Written:       0
  FD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  VSS:                    no
  Encryption:             no
  Volume name(s):
  Volume Session Id:      13
  Volume Session Time:    1194375148
  Last Volume Bytes:      1 (1 B)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  Error
  SD termination status:  Error
  Termination:            *** Backup Error ***


Elie Azar wrote:
> Hi,
> we're using vchanger, but bacula never seems to use more than the first 
> virtual drive, even though we have 10 defined in the storage Autochanger 
> directive for it.  why won't bacula use drive1, drive2, etc.  It does at 
> least look at these higher-numbered drives when the update slots command 
> is used, so it's not a config problem in terms of defining the virtual 
> drives within the autochanger.
I don't believe bacula's volume reservation worked well with multiple 
drive autochangers before version 2.2.0. If you are using a pre-2.2.0 
release, then that is likely why bacula is not selecting another drive 
on the autochanger, even though it is loaded with a usable volume. For a 
single vchanger to be able to run multiple concurrent jobs (one on each 
virtual drive), you need bacula 2.2.0 or greater.

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