Scott Ruckh wrote:
> I am running CentOS 4.5 x64 with self compiled kernel  I have
> installed the latest bacula 2.2.4 Director, Client, and Storage daemon on
> this server.
> Bacula run flawlessly most of the time.
> Unfortunately when I run VMWare Workstation and have a virtual machine
> running, Bacula crashes the entire system.  I am running the latest
> version of the 5.x series of VMWare.  I am also running fluxbox as my
> Window Manager, although I don't think that has anything to do with the
> problem.
> This problem has existed with all versions of Bacula starting with
> which is the first version I installed.
> My backups are to an external USB disk connected to the Host OS.
> The virtual machine is not configured with USB port because at one time I
> thought there might be contention between the Physical USB disk and the
> USB port configured with the Virtual Machine.
> All virtual machines and host system work fine when bacula backups are not
> running.
> I have tested this with all sorts of guest Virtual Machines and the
> results are the same; bacula will crash (completely unusable) the host
> machine.  The only recovery method it to reboot the server.

All bacula daemons are running in user mode and only the FD is running 
as root. A hard lock like this means something is amiss at the kernel 
mode level. You could try backing up to a directory on SCSI/SATA/IDE 
disk as a test. If all works as expected when backing up to the non-USB 
drive, then maybe something is wrong in the way USB is being 

> Is anyone else successfully running a similar environment?  As bacula is
> the only program that appears to cause the problem I am making an
> assumption it is a problem with bacula.
> If anyone has this type of environment working successfully I would like
> to hear about it.
> Thanks.

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